Chapter Seven

Troy looked as though he could strangle me when I walked up to the apartment I’d found online—the one listed for Rachel.

I hadn’t called him, of course. I’d figured I could slide through a window and no one would be the wiser for it.

The glare he offered me said I’d been wrong.

“I thought I told you to call me when you needed something.”

“I didn’t need anything.”

“You were planning to break into her apartment.”

I crossed my arms and tried to meet his glare head on. I’d done that enough times before, willingly annoyed him and enjoyed the frustration in his expression. However, those times I’d been human and so had he—as far as I’d known—which meant that edge to his face held a lot more danger than it had before.

Not that I thought he’d ever really hurt me. Troy, even as a werewolf, struck me as the most level-headed and dull supernatural I’d ever met.

Honestly, Kase could learn a thing or two from him.

“What are you doing here?” I asked instead of answering his pointed question.

“You’ve walked by this place three times. I had a unit surveilling it, and they called in a suspicious brunette with blue eyes. I figured it was you.”

“So am I getting arrested?”

“Not today.”

I offered him a playful smile, as if it would make him more inclined to help. “And here I thought I might get to see your handcuffs.”

He did that surprised snort again, one that sounded like he’d choked on his own spit at my joke. After swallowing and trying to play it off as if it hadn’t happened, he leaned in close. “You shouldn’t play games like that, Ava. Supernaturals aren’t something to toy with.”

His expression made me want to see how far I could push him. Could I make him lose that amazing control of his? Did I even want that? Sure, I had no problem looking when it came to Troy—who wouldn’t want to look at that?—but touching was a whole different matter.

So I nodded, and he took a step backward as though we both needed that space.

“Are you going to let me in?” I asked.

“I shouldn’t. I feel like the more access I give you, the worse you’ll behave. I’ve already told you to leave this alone.”

“And we both know I’m not going to do that.”

He let out a soft sigh. “Which is exactly why I’m going to let you in, when I’m here, so I can assure you don’t touch anything you shouldn’t and also that you stay alive.”

“I don’t think some girl’s apartment is all that dangerous.”

“Tell that to the dead woman.”

Troy had a point, and while him lumbering behind me wasn’t my idea of a great, relaxing time, at least I didn’t have to keep looking over my shoulder.

And no one would arrest me.


Inside the apartment was like most of the ones I saw for thirty-somethings who lived alone. In fact, it reminded me a lot of my own place, other than it being a bit smaller.

Though, judging from Rachel’s picture collection, she had more friends and went out much more than I did. She didn’t need so much space at home.

The décor was all faded, almost gray wood with pops of green and orange. On the walls were sayings like,Smile, because it helps, andFriends make life worth living.