“It’s the same car from before.”

“Black town cars a dime a dozen. Look, maybe tomorrow we’ll get together and—”

“I didn’t know you had a pet.” Kase’s voice had me glancing over my shoulder and groaning.

Why couldn’t anyone listen? Troy ignored me, Kase ignored me.

A pet?The odd statement drew a frown.

“What areyoudoing here?” Troy’s voice—always deep—had dropped another few octave until it rumbled more like a growl more than actual words. It sent a shiver up my spine and made me want to take a step backward.

“I have business with her,” Kase said.

“No, you really don’t. This isn’t a safe place for your kind.”

Your kind?The statement made me realize something I’d never considered before.

Troy knew about vampires. He had to. There was no other explanation for what he’d said to Kase.

“You know what he is?” Even as I turned toward Troy again, he didn’t look my way.

Instead, his eyes flashed impossibly bright and locked on Kase with an intensity that made me glad they weren’t on me. He might know what Kase was, but he likely had no idea how old or dangerous he was…

“You have no claim,” Kase said as though the threats from Troy were no concern of his. “She bears no marks, and her home has no wards. You have nothing here to protect, dog.”

“Neither do you.”

Suddenly I was less concerned about keeping either of them alive and more bothered by them talking about me as though I were a local fire hydrant they both liked to piss on from time to time. “No one hasanyclaim here.” I waved around at the room. “This ismyhouse, which, by the way, youbothbroke into.”

Troy did give me a look that seemed more than a little indulgent, as though it was adorable that I thought that. “I didn’t break in. I wanted to make surethathadn’t hurt you.”

“I broke in,” Kase said without a shred of regret. “We have business to attend to, business that isn’t any of that thing’s concern. Why don’t you put him in the yard while we finish our talk?”

A growl echoed through the room, dark and dangerous and loud enough that I had a moment of glancing around as though a bear had somehow made its way inside.

Instead of that, however, what I found was Troy, eyes like flashlights, throwing their own light out. That lovely silver-blue now glowered like twin full moons. He bared his teeth and instead of the flat, white teeth I was used to, long, sharp canines flashed.

Everything became clear then.

Troy was a werewolf. The nice neighbor who I’d let in so many times wasn’t at all what I’d thought.

“Both of you, out!” I pointed at the door.

The men stopped and turned toward me, givingmea look as though I were acting crazy.

I was over it, though. I was tired of them screwing up my life and my sleep. “Out,now.”

Kase moved backward as if my look were as frightening as I wished it were. “We are not finished talking.”

“Oh, I am. I have a job I was at all day. I have been up at night dealing with your nonsense. I’m human, as you love to point out, and humans require carne asada fries and sleep.”

Kase lifted his dark eyebrow as he stared at me, but I didn’t budge.

I deserved a night, damn it.

He nodded. “Stay out of our business, Ava, or you’ll find it just might kill you.”

“Would you miss me?” I asked the question with as much snark as I could shove into the words.