“You drove by her grave again.”

Okay, sure, Ihaddone that, but I hadn’t gotten out. Some strange pull had taken me there, as if by parking for an hour and staring at the spot I could understand what had happened, as though I could make sense of it all. As much as I didn’t want to get involved with the vampires, I still had this drive to understand Rachel, to understand that void. Nothing had come to me, though, and by the third time a very shady-looking car had driven by mine, I’d taken off.

How had he known, though…?

“You were stalking me?”

“Not me, no. I have underlings to do such menial tasks.”

Harsh.Still, I refused to be annoyed by not being seen as important enough to warrant his personal attention. “So why did you have someone following me? I can’t believe one little human is worth that?”

“It is common procedure when outsiders work with the coven, to ensure they aren’t spreading information they shouldn’t. It is a security measure.”

“It’s rude.”

“Haven’t we already discussed that?”

I opened my mouth but snapped it shut before speaking. He was right, and seeing as he didn’t appear to care about rudeness, scolding him for it was pointless and I didn’t care for wasting my breath.

Thankfully, he spoke next. “You need to let this go, Ava. You have no reason to be involved in this case any longer.”

“You can’t ask me to stick my nose into it then get mad when I don’t let it go.”

“I am fairly certain I can get mad about that, and you would not care for that happening.”

“But I don’t understand what happened.”

He didn’t seem moved at all by that. “You are a human, Ava. You are exceedingly fragile. Are answers worth your life?”

“You were the one to call on me first. How can you act like you’ve got any high ground on this? You weren’t too worried about my safety when you wanted me to grope a corpse.”

“That is not true. I personally accompanied you and did not leave until you were well and safe. However, you continuing this line of investigation will put you into danger when I am not there to help.”

“Well, Kase, I neveraskedyou to help.”

Kase didn’t respond, and I went to pick up a piece of my food as a signal to him that we were done with the conversation.

A knock on the door had me ready to toss my fries across the room. What did a woman need to do to get a little solitude? All I wanted was to eat my greasy, fattening fast food in peace. The rest of the world—especially the supernatural one I wasn’t even a part of—could go to hell.

When I didn’t answer, the door opened. I thought I’d locked it.


I straightened at Troy’s voice. Getting him involved with Kase was a very bad idea. Troy was overly protective, and I doubted Kase wanted a police officer anywhere near coven business. What if Kase decided that as a detective, Troy had become a threat?

I rushed off the seat, wanting to get rid of Troy before the two could see each other.

In the living room, I stopped in front of Troy, trying to block his path, despite him being far larger than I was. “Hey, what’s up?”

He looked past me as if heknewsomeone as in my kitchen. “I have those files for you.”

“Wonderful. I’ll just take them then—”

“Who’s here?”

“No one.”

He huffed and shifted to the left as though to walk past me. I went that way with him, like two people in an aisle both trying to get out of the other’s way.