It had me leaping backward, off the stool, but she didn’t react.

Instead, she lifted her tea and took another sip.

“What the hell was that?”

“I know I’ve mentioned before that all connections are two ways, have I not? When you tried to call that spirit, you reached for it and found what?”


She tapped her finger against the cup. “You only saw darkness. It was like the spirit was in the deepest part of the ocean. You couldn’t see it, but itwasthere, and you swallowed water as you looked.”

“That’s what you pulled out of me? That’s what I could feel?”

She nodded. “You could have expelled it yourself if you knew it was there, but you don’t like to know such things. That was growing inside you, filling you, taking over.”

“It looks like what’s in my dreams…”

“Does it?”

Even as I felt myself again, as that place inside me that had been frozen now warmed, I couldn’t rid myself of the thought that something had been there.

“I don’t understand.”

“Unfortunately for you, you will soon enough.” Her eyes went white, the creepy way they turned when she wasn’t there anymore. I never quite got used to it. “There are things in the darkness, Ava, things you’ve only glimpsed before.”

Memories of those things, of the monsters I’d seen only through the corner of my eye, the ones I’d looked away from as though if I never really saw them, they couldn’t hurt me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You do. They can’t see you, but they will. You’ve looked into the shadows too long. It’s looking back, and it will see you.”

Which was not the most reassuring statement I’d ever heard.