“I’d quit the teams,” I hear myself say.

They are words I never thought would come out of my mouth. Quit the teams? SEALs hated quitting. They stayed in until a military disability kicked them out.

But the smile she returns is blinding. “Would you?”

I nod and am met with an armful of Charlotte. I grab her ass and let the momentum carry us to the mattress. My dick is hard by the time I’m horizontal. With a little maneuvering, I’m right at the entrance of her bare pussy. She’s not wearing anything at all under my shirt. I cup the back of her head with one hand and, with more roughness than I’d intended, fuse our mouths together. She kisses me back without reservation. Between her legs I find that she’s ready for me, more than ready. Her thighs are slick, and it takes almost no effort to slide between her legs and arrow my cock inside her body.

“Nothing is more important than being with you. We want to have kids and raise them together, like our parents raised us. We’re a unit.” I grunt each word in her ear as I shove my hips upward. She cries out at the penetration. I’m abrupt because I want to stop talking about the things that could keep us apart and focus on what makes it right for us to be together. She gets the message when I slam my mouth against hers and kiss her with every ounce of need and want in me.

We touch each other feverishly. Our fucking is frenetic, and soon we’re both coming. Exhausted, I lie back. My legs are still dangling over the edge of the bed, and the hair around her forehead is wet from sweat. Maybe hers, maybe mine. My heart is racing like a freight train, and I’m not sure whether it’s fear or passion with its heavy foot on the throttle.

Quietly, I tell her, “There are two SEAL operations, one on the East coast and another on the West coast. I’m stationed here in San Diego. There’s been some sniffing around by the higher ups to see if I want to move to another team.”

“Another SEAL team?”

She shifts, and my dick slips out of her. A stream of cum follows, wetting her pussy, her thighs, and down my leg. I want to cup my hand around her cunt and press all my sperm inside her so she’s pregnant with my kid. If she’s pregnant, she can’t every leave me. These thoughts are sick and wrong, but I’m not going to deny their truth. I’m tying myself to her with everything I’ve got, no matter how wrong it is.

“Like a joint team such as DEVGRU or JSOC. They’re a bunch of badasses from all different branches.”

“How do you get picked for that?”

I laugh lightly because she won’t believe it. I could hardly believe it myself when I was told. “Apparently they put your picture up on a wall and people write on it whether they think you’d be a good candidate.”

“Like some fraternity?” She shakes her head in disbelief. The corners of her eyes crinkle in amusement. “Or SEAL Facebook? Like me a thousand times so I can go to the next level?”

“Yeah, it’s very scientific.”

We both laugh, and I’m relieved as if we’ve conquered our first mountain together.

“And if you did something like that where would you be stationed?”

“I’m not going to do that.”

“But for the sake of argument?”

When I shrug her whole body moves with mine. “Probably Virginia.”

“Not Dallas. Not Chicago.”


She’s silent for a long time and doubt begins to creep back in, but when she speaks it’s about another fucking awful subject. “You know whose heart we’re going to break?”

“Nick’s.” Baby brother needs to hear from me what’s going on.

“Yes.” She sighs and gets up. “Ugh, I need to go to the bathroom.”

I eye her legs and the streaks of white on the insides of her thighs. “Don’t wash up on my account,” I murmur.

“Seriously, Nate?”

“As a heart attack.” I can’t look away. My cum all over her legs is about the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I want to take a picture of that, carry it in my sack, and pull it out whenever I need to spank it on a mission . . . except I won’t be going on missions anymore. I push down the anxiety that thought stirs up.

“I’ll call him.”

She taps her mouth in contemplation and then nods. “I’ll make us some dinner.”

“Sure. I have about five ingredients in the refrigerator, and two of them are liquid. Good luck.”

She flips me off as she exits. I pick up the phone, take a deep breath, and dial. Nick picks upon the second ring.

“Big bro. You close the deal?”

“How was practice today?” I ask, avoiding his question.

“I only spent one hour in the cold bath, so that’s a win.”