Chapter 5


Boring. Page flip.Boring. Page flip. Borrrring.

I snapped the book shut and tossed it across the room. The book hit the wall with a thump. I usually wouldn’t be so violent with a book but I was going crazy. I could not stand one more minute in this room. If I didn’t get out of here soon then I was going to do something even more violent.

To my vicious delight, Agnes appeared at the door with a bored expression on her face. I could relate.

“Are you alright? We heard a loud thump.” Her gaze circled the room before zeroing in on me.

I jumped out of my chair and stalked across the room. “No, I’m not okay. I’m bored. I’m tired of just staring at these four walls.”

“Master Tuma insists that it is for your own safety —”

“Fuck that!” I growled, getting into Agnes’s face. “I’m not a vampire. I’m human. I need sunlight. I need fresh air. I can’t just sit in this room for the next seven months or I will go insane!” Seeing I wasn’t getting through to her, my eyes skittered around the room and found theWhat to Expect When You’re Expectingbook. “And...and see,” I grabbed the book and shoved it at her. “All the books say that for me to have a healthy pregnancy I need exercise and fresh air. If you keep me in here the baby won’t develop right.”

Agnes stared at me with uncertainty. “I will discuss it with Master Tuma. Until then,” she gave me a pointed look. “No more throwing things.”

I grinned at her innocently. “Of course not.”

When Agnes left, I turned about the room and clasped my hands together with glee. With any luck, Agnes will listen and I will get to go outside! Which in itself was a win in my book but it would also be a great opportunity to find a way out of here.

I didn’t get to see a lot of the house they were keeping me in. In fact, I didn’t even think the guys knew exactly where I was. Supposedly, it was for my protection. Though, I’m not sure how they got that by the guys. Especially not Antoine.

There weren’t any windows in my room and as far as I knew, I could be in the basement or the attic. The one time I’d tried to leave the room they had put me in, there had been Caleb with his creepy ass bored expression. The next day the door was locked and it had been from then on.

I didn’t know how I let myself get talked into this. I scrubbed a hand over my face and stretched my back. The political mess we were in was stressing me out. No way that was good for the baby.

Sighing, I threw myself down on the couch and cupped my swelling stomach. It wasn’t very big yet. Barely there at all really but I swear I’d felt it move already.

Could I call the baby an it?

I didn’t know its gender yet so I suppose it didn’t matter. I was more worried about what kind of abilities the baby would have than what gender it was. Was it bad that I hoped the baby was nothing more than an ordinary child?

Blowing out a breath between my lips, I stared up at the ceiling. God, didn’t I wish I had my cell phone. There were so many things I wanted to look up. Someone out there had to have gotten knocked up by a human servant. I couldn’t be the first one in all of time.

My brows furrowed.

Maybe there was one and they hid from the others because of this very reason. They didn’t want the council to imprison them even if it was for their own good.

I wondered if I could get the guys to look into it. Next time I have a dream visit from Antoine, I’d tell him to —

The bedroom door opened once more. Agnes appeared in the doorway, her face pinched and a wry press of her lips. “Master Tuma has agreed to allow you to walk about the courtyard.”

I hopped off the couch and threw my arms up in the air with a yippee.

“But!” Agnes cut my cheering off with a stern look. “You may only go outside with someone else. During the night,” she seemed reluctant to finish the sentence. “I will escort you around the courtyard. A human servant or guard will escort you during the day.”

Bobbing my head, I skipped toward her with a grin so big it hurt my cheeks. “Of course, of course. I get it. For my safety and all. Can we go now?”

“However,” Agnes held up a finger with a sharp glare. “If you try to escape or cause any kind of disturbance in any way, your outside privileges will be taken away and you will have to suffice with what this room provides you.” She said the last part with a smug grin as if she knew that I would fuck it up.

I did plan to fuck it up. I just didn’t plan to get caught.

Of course, I didn’t say this to Agnes, I put on a contrite look and crossed my heart with my fingers. “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

Agnes snorted and turned her back on me, leaving the door open wide as she muttered, “You may by the end of it all.”