“So, Antoine,” Tristan asked, taking a seat across from Mizuki. “Have you heard from the board yet? Did they make a decision?”

Antoine dropped his arm from my waist and stepped forward. “Actually, I just got off the phone with them. It seems that the elections for the new council members will be held in the next week.”

“What?” I gaped at him, my brows shooting up. “You didn’t tell me that.”

“I did not know until just a few moments ago and you were not there for me to tell you,” Antoine explained, arching a brow at me.

“Who’s up for the council?” Mizuki interrupted what was going to be an argument we would deal with later.

Tucking his hands in his pockets, Antoine began describing two vampires I’d never heard of...my brain checked out for that bit only to come rearing back when he said, “And me.”

“Hold up.” I grabbed Antoine by the arm, lowering my voice to a hush whisper. “What do you mean you? Since when are you up for the council position?”

Placing his hands on my arms, he rubbed them up and down in a soothing manner. “I was going to tell you but did not want you to worry until I knew for sure.”

“What makes them think you’re good enough to be on the council?” Tristan asked without a hint of sarcasm.

Antoine glanced away from me to answer. “It seems that I impressed quite a few people —” I cleared my throat and he added on, “We impressed quite a few people with the dispatching of the previous council, not to mention the incident with Boris. It is quite a feat to take out your own maker and the council in such a short period of time and apparently that means that I am fit for a leadership position.”

“Well,” Mizuki stood up, stalking over to us. “Let’s just hope you can do a better job keeping a tight leash on the vamps around here than the last council did. Because if you don’t...” she mimicked staking him in the chest. “Are we clear?”

I pursed my lips and rolled my eyes at her. “Mizuki’s kidding. Right?”

She licked her lips and cocked her head to the side. “Am I?”

For a moment, I thought she was serious and then shoved her away with a laugh. “Get out of here. Don’t you have a house full of baby hunters who need training?”

Mizuki stretched her arms over her head and cracked her neck. “Yes, it is unfortunate that along with the duties of president I also have to make sure the troops are trained correctly.”

“Co-president,” Tristan interjected, standing up. “There are five others in charge so we don’t get sucked into another crazy tyrant leader again.”

“You probably should come up with a different title than co-president,” I suggested with a shake of my head. “That’s just stupid.”

“We’re working on it.” Tristan placed a hand on Mizuki’s arm, earning a scowl from her. “We should get going, can’t leave the kiddos alone for too long or they’ll burn down the place.”

I chuckled. “Don’t I know it.”

Darren dipped into the room. “Oh, I didn’t know we had company.”

“Darren, can you show our guests out?” Antoine asked with a meaningful look.

“Of course,” Darren bobbed his head and gestured toward the door. “This way please.”

Tristan scoffed and shook his head. “Still playing the butler, huh? Doesn’t that ever get old?”

Darren’s lip tipped up on one side. “There are worse things I could be doing.”

“True enough,” Tristan nodded and waved to me. “See ya later, Piper. Antoine.”

Mizuki left without a word or glance back.

Waiting until the door closed behind them, I turned to Antoine and shoved him on the shoulder. “What the hell? You can’t be on the council.”

“What is this now?” Darren stepped into the room, his interest peaked. “The council?”

“Antoine is up to be elected to the council,” I told Darren with a vigorous wave of my hand. “Tell him he can’t.”

“Why not?”