“Whatever you call her, she's gonna have one heck of a time finding anybody to love her more than we do.” Allister pointed out, glancing up at the others.

“That is true,” Wynn murmured, stepping in next to Marcus, his eyes set on the small child.

Piper hummed and stroked her fingers over the baby as the doctor and the nurses left to give us a moment alone.

“I think I'm too tired to think of a name right now. I just want to sit here and look at her.” She peered down at the baby with a soft smile. “Look at all of us. Did you ever imagine that a maid would end up being where I am right now?”

Drake snorted. “I didn't imagine that you'd last the day.”

“Oh, come on. She would have lasted longer than that. At least a week,” I countered.

“Not with your grumpy ass. You tried everything in your arsenal to get her to leave.” Drake pointed with a smirk.

“Come on, let's not fight. This is a happy day,” Wynn explained, pushing closer to Piper.

“Yes, it certainly is,” Antoine announced, standing near Darren with his arm around his waist. It seemed whatever tension that was between them had been smoothed over by Piper’s very presence.

“And you Marcus,” Piper asked. “What do you think?”

He stared down at the little girl and said, “I think if she's anything like her mother we'd better hide the vases.”