I listened for voices in my head, for brain patterns that signals someone was around. I shook my head. “No, nothing. Nothing on this side.”

“Good,” Allister plodded along. “I wonder where this comes out at.”

“How about a hospital?” Piper grunt from behind us. “I need a fucking hospital now.”

“Piper, try to calm yourself,” Antoine assured her. “Stressing yourself out is not going to be good for you or the baby.”

“Go stress yourself out you freaking poofy ass motherfucker.” Then her whole demeanor changed and she cried out, “Where is Darren?”

“Darren is waiting behind at the house,” Antoine answered, not put off by Piper’s name calling. “You will see him soon.

“Hey, I think this comes out on the other side of the parking lot,” I pointed out as I poked my head out of the door, glancing around the surrounding area. “Look, there's the hunter's car and there's ours. Think we can make it over there?”

“We'll have to,” Marcus instructed, taking the lead. “You get Piper to the car and I'll hold them off.”

“What?” Piper cried out, grabbing for him. “You can't stay behind, I need you. I need all of you at the hospital with me.”

Marcus grasped her hand. “Don't worry. I'll be right behind you.”

Before Piper could protest anymore, we rushed towards the car where Marcus headed off anyone who was coming after us. A few vampire servants headed our way with hunters on their tails. I jumped into the driver's seat while the others piled into the back of the car, Allister in the front seat with me.

“Where's the nearest hospital?” I asked anyone in the car.

“Why don't you just GPS it?” Piper commanded from the back seat. “Why do you have to make everything so freaking complicated?”

“Right, exactly,” I said, a bit frazzled, grabbing my phone out of my pocket and dropping it on the floor.

“Here, you can just use mine.” Alister handed his phone over the nearest hospital already pulled up for me.

“Okay, it’s ten minutes away. Can you hold on that long, Piper?” I called to the backseat

Piper screamed out again, “Just fucking drive!”

Putting the car into reverse, I peeled out of the parking lot and zoomed down the road ignoring all traffic laws as I zoomed in-and-out of traffic and towards the hospital. I didn't know if Marcus was going to make it or if he was still back there fighting them off. All I could worry about was getting Piper to the hospital.

“Did you call Darren?” Piper cried out in the back seat. “He needs to know.”

“I will message him now,” Antoine reassured her, brushing her hair back from her face where she leaned against him.

Those ten minutes were the longest ten minutes of my life.

We pulled into the ER parking and piled out of the car. Drake grabbed hold of Piper under her arms and legs and shouted, “We got a pregnant lady here. Pregnant lady in labor.”

“Here's a wheelchair,” a nice nurse offered as we rushed into the door.

Drake hissed at her refusing to give over Piper.

“Drake, you must let the lady take care of her. Piper will be fine. The nice doctors will take care of her.” Antoine explained to him, placing a hand on his back pushing a bit of his power into his voice so that Drake would listen.

Drake finally lowered Piper into the wheelchair but insisted on being the one to push her. Figuring out that she wasn't going to get anywhere with the man, the nurse led us back to the elevators, which then led to the maternity ward.

“Where’s the doctor?” Piper called out, groaning as we helped her on to the bed.

“He'll be a long shortly. We just need to get some information from you. How far along are you?

Piper groaned, her eyes going up to the ceiling. “I don't know seven months, almost eight?” She looked at us as if to get some kind of confirmation.

“Well, when is your due date,” the nurse tried again.