Wynn pressed his hand over his wound and stumbled after me, the others keeping an eye out so that we could make sure that Wynn didn't get hurt any further.

“Why is it always you that seems to be the one that ends up getting hurt in these situations,” Rayne pointed out with a frown.

“What can I say?” Wynn explained with a voice full of pain. “I simply love too dearly.”

“Yeah,” Drake pointed out. “One of these days that love's gonna end up with you on the wrong end of a stake... oh wait...that already happened.”

Wynn snorted and then coughed a laugh. “You would not be so quick to judge me when one of these days the stake I'll be taking is for you.”

“You're right, I'm sorry,” Drake shot back as he hit another hunter that had decided that he wanted to take us out in the midst of a fight.

“These hunters don't seem to care that we're on their side,” Alister pointed out with a frown.

“I don't think they really care one way or the other. They just want to get rid of vampires. We're vampires. They're doing their job,” I told him while searching for the next turn.

“Well, at least we are prepared for them and we're not being taken by surprise like the others,” Marcus supplied before turning around. “Is this the right way?”

I sniffed the air, “Yes, Piper’s this way.”

Not much further now and we would have Piper in our grasp. I only hoped we got there first.