“Since the deal we have with your boss, Vincent, remember? We find the vampire council, deliver them to you, and you leave Piper and the rest of us alone.” Rayne reminded her and everyone with a meaningful look.

Mizuki stared at Rayne and Drake with a suspicious glare. “We'll see about that.”

The two of them walked away, leaving us to ourselves once more.

Rayne released Drake finally with a scowl. “What the fuck are you doing? You almost told them about Piper being pregnant. They don't need to know that.”

“Fuck, Sorry,” Drake scrubbed his face and placed his hands on his hips. “I got too caught up in the moment and forgot who I was talking to.”

“Speaking of Vincent,” Rayne brought back up, glancing around the area. “Where is he?”

I jerked my head to another part of the room. “Over there. Preening for his court.”.

“How do we know he’s going to keep his part of the deal?” Wynn asked, worry etched over his face.

“We don't,” I told him, my gaze turning hard on the leader of the hunter's guild, “but accidents do happen.”

“All right, everybody, I hope you're ready because we're going in now, we're going in hard and fast. Kill anyone you see with fangs,” Mizuki told the group.

I cleared my throat loudly.

Albeit reluctantly, she added on, “Except for the Durands. Look at their faces, memorize them. Now let's go.” We followed after them as we all piled into a series of vehicles. We decided to take our own for the sake of safety. The ride was silent and tense. None of us able to get out of our heads long enough to talk to each other.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Rayne muttered beside me as we hustled out of the armored vehicle behind the hunters. We decided to let them take the charge and to come in after so as not to let ourselves get mixed in with the enemy.

“Just stay close and follow Darren's instructions. We'll get to Piper and we'll get out of there. Let them take care of each other,” I reassured him, focusing on the path ahead.

“Easy for you to say. He’s not the one that has to go in with the hunters to save Piper.” Drake growled from behind me.

“Someone had to stay behind in case something happened,” I reminded him. “It could not be one of us.”

“It just seems unfair,” Drake grumbled.

“Less complaining, more searching,” I called over my shoulder.

We stepped into the council's stronghold, the scent of blood strong in the air. The six of us tensed. My fangs ached at the copper smell of blood. I pushed the bloodlust aside and focused on looking for Piper.

“If Darren's instructions are correct,” I began, keeping a look out for an attack. “We only have to go through those doors and down the hallway to the left and then a few other turns and then we will find her.”

Unfortunately, a group of vampires were fighting a group of hunters right in front of the doorway.

“Yeah, easier said than done,” Allister muttered as we started in that direction. “Just don't get staked in the process.”

“Oh, live a little, brother,” Drake chuckled as he swatted a human servant out of the way. “When do we get to actually go out and fight? Everything's so easy nowadays. You can order your blood online or you can even order a girl to your house. We haven't had to actually get down and dirty by fighting in a long time. Don't you miss the rush?”

Allister snorted, shoving another human servant out of the way and then he grabbed a vampire in a headlock. “You seem to forget, brother, I was not the one that enjoyed fighting, that was you. I prefer to be more civilized and use my words.”

Drake snapped his neck and shoved the body away from him. “What's so civilized about arguing over stupid stuff that's just going to turn into a fight anyways?”

I pushed between the twins and grabbed for the double doors. “If you two are done debating over the right way to settle an argument. I believe Piper is waiting for us.”

The others followed after me while the twins and Marcus finished up the rear. My tension was so focused on which way Darren had told me to go that I didn't notice the hunter that was sneaking up behind me.

“Antoine, watch out,” Wynn jumped in between us, taking a stake into his upper left chest.

“Fuck. That stings,” Wynn groaned and grasped at the stake, pulling it from his chest and then throwing it back at the hunter who had missed his heart. Wynn did not miss and hit the hunter straight in the chest.

“Thank you, my friend,” I patted Wynn on the shoulder. “Come, let us find Piper and get you taken care of.”