Chapter 21


“'d she takeit?” Drake asked as we all huddled together in a corner of the room where the hunters were planning the attack on the vampire council.

The hunters had decided that tonight would be the night. Normally, they would have waited and gone during the daytime but since Marcus had smartly bartered with Mizuki for the vampire council's location for our participation in the raid, they had to move the attack to just before dawn. It wouldn’t do well for us to burn up while trying to get Piper out of there.

“She received our note and seemed quite anxious to speak to us,” I explained to him, brushing my sleeves off as I readjusted to my human form.

“Of course, she's anxious to speak to us. We've been giving her the cold shoulder for weeks now.” Rayne snorted. “We didn't even get to have our little dream fuck fests like we had planned.”

“Yes, I will be sure to pass on your sentiments to Piper while we are in the process of rescuing her,'' I said dryly.

“Stop your whining,” Drake nudged Rayne in the arm. “None of the rest of us got any nookie time either.”

“Antoine and Darren did,” Rayne argued, nudging him back.

“And as soon as we rescue her, you'll have plenty of nookie time before the baby gets here,” Drake grabbed Rayne by the shoulders, hugging him to the side with a chuckle.

“You better get what you can get before the baby gets here. Because from what I remember they take quite a bit of time and attention,” Alister reminded all of us with a small frown.

“I'm not worried about it,” Rayne waved him off. “There's enough of us here that the baby will have someone with it all the time and then Piper will have plenty of time to rest and we can all get reacquainted with her.”

“I don't think that she's going to want to have any kind of reacquaintance time after having the baby. Don't they have to wait a certain amount of time before it's safe for them to have sex,” Allister pointed out.

Wynn arched a brow. “There are other things that you can do that do not require penetration.”

“You got that right,” Drake laughed.

“Are we really talking about having sex with Piper before we've even got her back? What is wrong with you people?” Allister shook his head with a groan.

“Allister is right, let us focus on getting Piper back and then we can focus on the rest of it afterwards,” I instructed them with a commanding look.

Tristan and Mizuki walked towards us just then and we went quiet.

Tristan turned to us with a grin. “Are you guys ready?”

Marcus shrugged and Drake cheered, “As ready as we ever are going to be.”

Tristan grinned and smacked his fist into his open palm. “I bet you guys are ecstatic to take out the head honchos.”

I skimmed the faces of my brothers, hoping that my expression would warn them to be careful with what they said.

“Honestly,” Drake commented, “with what they have done to us with Piper I am more than ready to chop some heads off.”

To my surprise, the others nodded their agreement.

I did nothing of the sort.

While I agreed that the council needed to be taken out, I did realize the implications that would put on us when a new council was elected to take their place, and there would be a new council. This wasn’t the first council that had been overthrown and it wouldn't be the last.

“Why the long face, Antoine?” Mizuki asked, ever the watchful one. Nothing seemed to get past her.

Adjusting my cufflinks, I avoided her gaze. “Just anxious to get this over with and get Piper back home.”

“Understandable. We would like Piper back as well. She is one of our best hunters.” Mizuki nodded to Tristan who agreed with an eager bob of his head.

“You do realize she's not going to be able to hunt with you anymore since she's —” Rayne clapped a hand over Drake's mouth.