Chapter 20


Iwalked around thecourtyard, circling around the fountain with my usual guard as my shadow, my mind full of doubt and worry.

Antoine wasn't in my dreams again.

It was one of the first times that I assumed he would be there and then he wasn't. Though, I could chalk it up to him being busy but something inside of me was telling me something was wrong.

There had to be a reason why he wasn't there today. It had been a few weeks since Caleb’s threatening words. I'd been anxious to tell Antoine what he'd said. On the other hand, I didn't want them to do anything rash and get us all killed.

And yet Antoine still has not been in my dreams. What is he doing? Why isn't he showing up?

Stroking a hand over my stomach, I looked forlornly down at my growing bump. I couldn't see my feet anymore. Something I hadn’t expected to miss until I couldn’t.

It seems like my baby's growth has gone into hyper drive over the last few weeks. Agnes didn’t know how to explain it. Though to be fair, she has never had a human servant pregnant before.

“What do you think your daddies are doing?” I asked the baby in my stomach. It turned around and pressed on my bladder. “Yes, I guess as much.”

Agnes's little trick with the coin and the string didn't exactly work. It didn't really go any decisive way that would tell me if it was a boy or a girl. Agnes had told me that tended to happen sometimes. Especially with unusual pregnancies. She also said that it could mean that I am having twins or triplets. The very thought of it made me want to vomit.

I hope the fuck not.

I never thought I would hope that I had a vampire baby that would eat its way out of my stomach rather than having multiple ones. I could hardly handle the thought of one let alone the thought of twins. Or God forbid, triplets.

“Should you be pacing like that?” My guard asked, one of the few words he's ever said to me.

I waved him off. “It's fine. I've done waaay more exerting activities just a few weeks ago.

“I do not want you passing out on my watch. You know, they will blame me.” The way his face paled and his eyes darted around us made me feel bad.

“Fine,” I sighed, sitting on the side of the fountain. Everybody was worried about me but nobody was worried about my vampires. Nobody but me that was.

Once I sat down on the edge of the fountain, I realized my mistake. It was going to be impossible for me to get back up without the help of the guard. I guess I could just sit here for a while. Better than making both of us look foolish.

I thought today that I would try and take the blood of some of the guys and see if maybe I could get ahold of one of them in their dreams. Problem was that I didn't want to waste it and not get anything out of it. Maybe I could ask Tuma for a day pass or cell phone. Something. I was going crazy just sitting here waiting to hear something from someone.

Then again, I probably shouldn't know anything since Caleb was able to read my mind. Fuck. I hadn’t thought about that. If I knew what was going on then he'd know what the plan was and put us all in danger.


I sagged in my seat by the fountain, getting even more upset as I thought about it. It was probably better for me not to know anything about the plan. But it was just so...ugh... frustrating.

I hated sitting here twiddling my thumbs like a hopeless maiden. I hadn't been helpless since before we went into hiding.

The whole point of me learning to fight and becoming a hunter was so that I would never have to feel this way again.

I tried to lean forward onto my elbows with my hands on my face but my belly got in the way. Letting out a growl of frustration, I jumped up to my feet, something that surprised even me.

“What is it?” My guard asked his eye searching around the area for some sign of danger.

I scowled at him, “Nothing. I'm fine.”

“Don't scare me like that. If something happens to you then I'm the one that's going to get in trouble. And I like my head where it is,” he shot me a glaring look.

“I know, I'm sorry.” I turned my back on the guard and wandered around the courtyard for a little longer. The sun was starting to set and soon my companion would be back at my side and I wouldn't have time to sit alone.

A crow cawed.