Drake stared down at the dagger, a nervous chuckle coming from him. “A strip club.”

“And where is the real Piper?”

Drake glanced around at the others looking for some kind of sign of what he should say. I was at my wits end. I had no idea what we could say in this instance. She'd caught us quite literally red handed. Or rather caught Angelica red handed.

“We should just come clean,mon amis. We are going to need their assistance now more than ever and I suggest that we make good on our promise to instruct them on where to find the vampire council. Do you not?” I glanced at the others with a pointed look.

Rayne and Marcus seemed more than happy to let the hunters in on where Piper was though it had always been Marcus’s opinion that we go storming and get her ourselves. Now it seems that he would get what he wanted and then some.

“How do you know that we even know where she's at?'' Allister asked silkily, his powers tickling my nose. “For all you know we could be as much in the dark as you are.”

Mizuki ignored it. “Don't think that I'm some simpleton who doesn't know what you're capable of. It all started with that vampire council and I bet that they are the ones that have Piper. So where are they?”

Look,” Marcus said, taking charge. “We know where Piper is, we even know how many guards are watching her, we know the layout of the place, we even know the rotation of the guards, we can tell you all of this.”

“You can bet your asses. You better tell me where or you'll be the ones that end up on the bad end of a stake,” Mizuki threatened, turning that dagger towards him.

Marcus grabbed the dagger by the blade, letting it bite into his skin, the blood dripping down his arm and onto the floor. Mizuki locked eyes with him not bothered by his actions

“We'll tell you on one condition.”

“I'm listening.”

“We get to come with you.”