Chapter 19


“Everybody get in hereright now!” Angelica screamed from the front door.

Everyone hurried out of the basement towards the screaming. I slowly set my book on the side table, placing a bookmark in it and casually standing from my bed.

The only woman that I rushed for was Piper and she was nowhere to be found. This look alike left much to be desired. She might look like Piper and at times she might act like Piper but she was no Piper.

No, my Piper was off somewhere else. Off somewhere else alone and pregnant. During my human time, a male might be concerned for her fragile state but not me. I've seen what Piper can do. I know how well she can hold her own. And while I mourn the loss of her embrace, the feel of her kiss, the taste of her blood on my tongue, I knew that rushing in would only make things worse for her.

My only wish was that this was over already. So that I may have her in my arms again and our babe to dote on. We could watch it grow together however long its lifespan may be.

I did not want to sit around and cater to the whims of some human witch that did not seem to get Piper or our arrangement.

“Hurry up, Wynn,” Rayne yelled down the stairs at me.

Letting out a sigh, I made my way up the stairs. I wondered what the little witch was crying out about now. It couldn't be much. She didn't have much of a job. Though, I admit, the hunting of vampires was not something that she had signed up for. I could give her credit for her distress in that.

I walked through the dining room and into the foyer to see Piper, no Angelica, standing there in Piper's clothes. A pair of leather pants and tank top attire that I had quite enjoyed a few times with my wily little human maid but on the little witch made me irritated. Not to forget the sting of blood that filled my nose from blood that covered the cloth and face of the fake Piper.

“What happened to you?'' Drake asked, coming closer to the witch.

“Where's Darren?'' she cried out in her southern twang, her arms crossed over her chest and then she dropped them when she realized she was just getting more blood on herself.

“I don't know, probably boinking Antoine in his office or something,” Drake replied, looking over her and then sniffing the air. “Is that vampire blood?”

“Yes,” fake Piper snarled at Drake, “You'll be happy to know I killed my first vampire today and I'll tell you how I felt — I hated it. It was disgusting. Blood got everywhere and it is totally killing my karma. I'm a witch. I'm not supposed to be killing people. You know what comes around goes around and all that jazz.” She continued to rant on with a stomp of her foot. “I did not sign up for this. Screw the triple pay. Screw the hazard pay. I'm going home and washing myself for fifty million years and I don't for some spell that will sanitize my soul enough to get this stank off of me.”

“Now, just hold on a moment,” Allister said, trying to calm the witch down. “This is part of the job. You knew you were going to have to kill a vampire, right? You agreed to that when you went out hunting with them.”

“No,” she wagged her finger in Allister's face. “I agreed to pretend to go hunting with them. I did not say that I was actually going to hunt anybody. I don't hunt anything. Not animals. Not people. And certainly not vampires.” She threw her hands up with a high pitched screech. “I am a fucking stripper, a prostitute at worst. I get paid to suck people off, to pretend to be their fantasies. I do not get paid to chop vampire's heads off!”

“I understand where you're coming from,mon cher.” I came up to the witch, trying to help take the edge off of the traumatizing experience she just encountered.

I suppose it was a good thing to find out that she did not enjoy killing vampires because then we would have another hunter on our hands. Then again it also put us in a precarious situation because I believe that the witch was about two seconds away from quitting. She’d march right through that door, putting us right back to where we were in the first place.

“No, you don't get it. I quit! I'm not doing this. This isn't my job. Tell Darren to lose my number.” She shoved past us and then paused. “Actually, don't tell anyone anything. I'm changing my number. I'm changing my name. I am going to disappear. I don’t want anything to do with you vampires ever again. That's it, I'm done.”

“And here I thought Piper was dramatic,” Drake muttered under his breath.

“But what about Piper and the baby,” Allister brought up, no doubt trying to appeal to her feminine side. “Are you just going to let them get hurt because of this?”

“No offense,” she half turned a hand on the stair banister, “but that's not my problem. She's your lady, it's your baby, you figure it out. I am not Piper, it is not my baby. I wanna go home and that's exactly where I'm going right after I clean this shit off of me.”

Angelica stomped up the stairs, leaving us standing there dumbfounded.

“Well, what the fuck are we going to do now?” Drake asked the group, always the eloquent one.

“Yes,” a feminine voice came from the open front door. “Please do tell. What do you plan to do now that your plan has failed?”

All of our heads turned to the front door, a feeling of horror overcoming me. There stood Mizuki and all of her battle splendor, a burning rage in her dark eyes. Those same eyes went up to the stairs, where a fake Piper had disappeared and then back to us.

“I knew something fishy was going on with you guys. That Piper is nothing like the Piper I know. Where did you even pick this chick up from?” Mizuki pulled a dagger from her belt and flipped it over in her hand. An action that was meant to be intimidating, and it worked.

Drake chuckled, shaking his head. “You wouldn't believe us if we told you.”

Mizuki pointed the dagger towards his neck, narrowing her gaze on him. “Try me.”