“Fine,” Alister sighed, throwing his head back against the back of the couch. “If everybody's doing it then I guess I can too.”

“Ok,” Rayne clapped his hands and rubbed them together. “What are we gonna bet? Money? Blood? Pieces of property?”

“I think we should make it more interesting,'' Wynn said, closing his book with his finger in his place to scan the rest of us.

“Like what?” I asked.

He lifted one finger up to his lips in a hush movement. “Secrets.”

“Secrets? We know each other's secrets already,” I returned with a laugh. “Make it a little bit more challenging.”

“I do not know about the rest but I do know that I have not disclosed every secret of my human and vampire life,” Wynn explained, scanning over the others looking for their reaction.

None of the others protested.

I frowned.

“Come on, you can't be serious. I thought we were brothers. How can you have secrets from your brothers? You know, Allister and I don’t have any secrets from each other.”

Alister cleared his throat.

“Alister,” I said, staring at my twin. “You can't seriously say there’s something you haven’t told me.”

Allister scratched the back of his neck; he looked off to the side, guilt clearly written all over his face.

I scowled, “Fine. It seems as if I'm the only one not keeping anything back, what am I going to bet?”

“Oh, I'm sure even you have something.'' Rayne snickered from the side, seeming quite sure of himself.

“Why do you even care? You could just look up all our stuff online,” I gestured to the red head with a glare

“Not things that were before the Internet,” Rayne pointed out and then paused to think about it for a second. “Actually, I probably could find quite a few things on the Internet from before. I've found images of us online before, though they don't know who we are.”

“Okay, okay. Fine, secret keepers, who do we think?” I glanced around the room to get some kind of idea of who thought they were gonna go first.

“I for one think it's going to be Wynn,” Allister said with a sort of sad shrug.

“Wynn? Why do you think it will be him?” I scowled. “Why not me? Or me and Allister. I mean she could get two for one with us.”

“You said that already. And believe me two for one is not always the best,” Rayne shook his head with a smirk. “Sometimes a woman just wants to be loved and made love too. Not pounded into the ground between two meatheads.”

“Who are you calling a meathead, you big old nerd.”

“Hey, now let's not argue between ourselves. Who do you think?” Allister asked.

I crossed my arms over my chest, my lips tugging up on one side. “I think it'll be me and you. Has to be. Makes no sense otherwise.”

“Okay, Wynn, what do you think?” Allister asked, turning away from me.

Allister hummed and stared off into the distance.

Wynn nonchalantly said, “I think it will be Rayne.”

“Really?’ Rayne asked, his voice going high pitched. “Why do you think it will be me?”

Wynn rolled his head slowly to the side, staring at us on the couch. “It is simple mathematics. Out of the six of us you are far closer to Piper's emotional maturity and at the current moment... What is she six-seven months along? She is probably feeling quite old right now. And as the youngest of us, Rayne would be the obvious choice to make her feel as if she were a younger woman again.”

I snorted. “If that's your explanation then she should have just kept Darren. He’s closer to her age and he's a human.”