Chapter 18


“So how do you thinkAngelica's doing being a hunter?” Rayne asked, lounging back on the couch.

“You mean, how is she surviving?” I pointed out with a chuckle, offering up a fist bump to my twin.

Allister gave my fist bump a sardonic look before turning to the television.

“Oh, come on, you know you're the one that convinced her to do it. You could at least be a little happy we got away with it for a little bit longer. I mean Angelica has to suck it up and she gets to be a hunter but she also gets triple pay and hazard pay. This keeps Piper and the baby safe and in my opinion that's a win-win.”

“I do not think Angelica feels the same way,” Wynn pointed out from his bed, not looking away from his book.

I looked over the couch at Wynn, giving him a flat stare. “Hey, none of you had any other ideas. I figured it out, got us out of a shitty situation. We just have to buy our time until we can get Piper out of the council's hideout.”

Allister snorted, “And whose fault is it that we were in that position in the 1st place? Oh right, that was you.”

Marcus, who had not said anything, spoke up as he went to the mini fridge by his bed. “I think it is a horrible idea, endangering an innocent girl's life just for our own ends.”

I scoffed, “And what would you have us do? Rush in with our balls in our hands just waiting for the council to slice them off? I don't think so. I like my balls firmly where they are.” Adjusting them in my pants.

“In Piper’s purse, you mean,” Rayne chuckled.

“And like yours aren't? If any of us are whipped it's you,” I pointed out to Rayne with a punch to his shoulder.

“Hey knock it off,” Rayne shoved me away. “It's not my fault that she likes me best.” He paused and grinned. “Actually, it’s a bit my fault.” He slid his hands down his body. “Can’t help what I was born with.”

“Who says she likes you best?'' I argued. “Why would she like a scrawling little thing like you when she can have all this plus two.” I gestured between myself and Allister.

“Leave me out of this,” Allister said from his side of the couch, adding on, “I'm not worried about who she likes best.”

“That's because you already had your little hissy fit. It's our turn,” I pointed out to him.

“Well, she does have the vials of our blood,” Wynn pointed out from his bed. “Perhaps we shall see who exactly Piper likes best by seeing who she chooses first.”

Rayne scoffed, “Why? You already know who she chose first. She chose Darren. Wasn't it him she chose to visit her in person while the rest of us get second hand dream visits?”

“Now, now,” Wynn tried to reassure Rayne, “We all know the reason she chose Darren was because he’s the only one that seemed less threatening to the vampire council and might I add, the only one that would not be able to see her in a dream. The rest of us could see her anytime we like as long as she has our blood in her system.”

“Yeah, but whose blood is she going to drink first?” I inquired with a cock of my head. “How are we going to know if tonight is the night, or the day I suppose, that she drinks our blood.”

“I say, we bet on it.”

“Wait, what?” I looked over at Marcus in surprise. “Are you seriously suggesting that we bet on who Piper picks first to see the dream?”

Marcus shrugged his shoulders but didn't retract his statement.

“What do you know that we don't know?” I asked, never taking my eyes off the larger vampire.

Marcus's expression didn't waver. “I am simply not as unsure of Piper's love for me as the rest of you are.”

“Speak for yourself,mon ami.” Wynn jumped in with a smirk. “I am well aware of Piper's love for me. She has bestowed it upon me many times.”

“Sucking your dick is not the same thing as being in love with you,” I shot back with a smug look. “If that were the case then I would definitely be the highest on her list.”

Alister shook his head, closing his eyes with a disgusted look on his face. “I can't believe we're even talking about this. If Piper were here —”

“But she's not,” I interrupted him. “So, what do you think? Should we bet on it?”