Chapter 15


Seeing Darren on hisknees was a kink I didn’t know I had until he was kneeling before me. Commanding him to get on the floor was a random thought that came out of my mouth before I knew what I was doing. Then once he did it, I just had to go with it.

Now that I had him, I had to figure out what to do with him.

Shifting from one foot to the other, I turned to the counter and leaned against the edge, sliding myself up onto it. Or tried to, nothing was easy with the majority of my body mass forcing me forward.

“Here...let me help...” Darren moved to get off his knees.

“No!” I glared at him, shifting myself inch by inch onto the counter. “I got this. I’ve had this for the last five months. I don't need you to help me now.”

Darren’s lips turned down. “Piper.”

“Stop it.” I shot another glower his way. “I don’t want your pity.”

Blowing out a slow breath, Darren edged closer to me, his face in line with my knees. Sliding his hands up the outside of my thighs, pushing my robe to the side, his lips pressed softly against one knee and then the other.

“Darren,” I groaned, the sexy mood slipping away from me. “I’m not in the mood anymore.”

Darren peered up at me from my lap and murmured, “Then talk to me.”

I rolled my neck and stared up at the ceiling, Darren’s hands massaging down my legs and over my ankles. “I don’t know what to say. We both know what I’ve been doing. Sitting around, miserable, and alone. While you all fuck around with a fake version of me.”

“No one is fucking around with Angelica.”

“Oh, it has a name?” I growled, the sudden urge to kick him in the face coming up quickly.

“Yes, she does. Her name is Angelica, she works at the Your Wish Club.” Darren's fingers wrapped around my bare foot, pressing into the balls of my feet. A gasp and then low moan escaped me, my mind far away from their betrayal.

“Uh-huh. Sounds like a strip club,” I murmured, my head lulling back.

Darren’s finger didn’t stop as he answered, “It is a strip club.”

My head jerked up and I shoved my hips forward, dislodging his hands from my feet. My feet protested but my head overcame it. “You got this witch from a strip club?”

Pushing to his feet, too calm for my tastes, Darren brushed his knees off and leveled a look at me. “I did not get her from a strip club. She works at a strip club. I know her from the farmers market.”

I blinked at him. “Huh?”

Darren shook his head and placed one hand on my hip and then the other. “Look, we had a problem and I approached Angelica about the issue and she agreed to pretend to be you until we could figure out a different solution.”

Lower lip pushing out, I gripped his biceps slightly. “And what else was she doing while acting like me?”

Inching closer, Darren rubbed a hand up my back. “Cleaning, walking around, almost getting her head ripped off by Rayne.”

“Really?” I smiled. “I mean, Antoine mentioned something but I didn’t think he was serious.”

Darren smiled back, leaning his forehead against mine. “I wasn’t there but I heard about it from Angelica later. There was some misunderstanding and she almost pissed herself when he came at her with his fangs out.”

“Hmmm,” I lifted my arms and wrapped them around his neck, my libido ramping back up just at the thought of Rayne attacking some stripper for me. I curled my fingers into the nape of Darren’s hair, tugging on it slightly. “And did she fool Vincent?”

Brushing his lips along my jaw and then burying his face in my neck, Darren hummed, his fingers finding their way to the front of my robe. “Yes, though he was more interested in finding out about the vampire council than caring about your strange behavior. Though, your two hunter friends seemed a bit more suspicious.”

“Hunter friends?” I leaned back and looked at him.

Darren’s gaze stayed down while he untied my robe. “You know that tall woman with scary eyes and the big guy with no hair and smiles too much.”