Chapter 14


Sitting in the backof the limo instead of driving it was awkward. I much preferred the privacy the separator provided by sitting in the front seat. However, the council sent a limo for me and by what Antoine says I couldn’t say no.

They wouldn’t even let me bring anyone else with me. Which to me seemed suspicious but Antoine once again reassured me that I would be safe. Tuma was a vampire of his word and he would not think to relieve him of his only other human servant.

As if that was such a tragedy.

Things with Antoine had been tense since my outburst. I could not seem to let myself be happy or feel even an iota of pleasure with Piper so far away from us. I didn’t know if it was because of the pregnancy or...actually I knew it was.

Piper was a strong and capable woman. She had proven herself many times over. Even so much so to take on the hunter’s guild on her own. When comparing her to any of the vampires, I would bet on her every time.

It’s just the thought of my offspring inside of her and not being able to be there for her. For her to be in the hands of the enemy, while all we could do was sit around and wait made my inside twist and snarl together.

There was nothing I could do to ease this sickening feeling inside of me.

My hands tensed around the box in my hand as the vials clinked together. I didn’t have much confidence that I would be allowed to bring the item inside with me. Once more I was relying on Antoine’s experience and he thought that Tuma wouldn’t care about the blood. I didn’t think so.

Why would the vampire allow me to bring the blood of the other vampires into their home? They barely wanted me to come visit Piper. To give her more access to her vampires would not be prudent on their part.

The limo pulled into a gravel driveway, causing the wheels to crackle with each inch we progressed toward the prison. To call the place they were keeping Piper anything other than that was being naïve. They were keeping her prisoner and that was all there was to it. Anyone who thought differently was fooling themselves.

We stopped briefly at the gate before after an exchange of words from the driver we moved into the interior of the gates. I tried to look uninterested as we drove by but my eyes took in everything in the dim twilight.

Visiting Piper wasn’t the only reason for my coming. I’d been instructed in length from Marcus, Drake, and Allister on what to look for and how to remember it without writing it down. Six guards in the front, six members of the house of Durand. I didn’t need to take note of the building’s exterior, Rayne assured us that he could see that from some satellite system. The outside they could handle. I needed to let them know what they were up against.

Two guards at the door, like the two most important people in my life.

“Here we are,” the driver announced before the door opened for me.

I held the box under my arm and slid out of the vehicle. One of the guards approached me, his hard eyes moving over my form. I’d kept on my suit and gloves, choosing to look non-threatening by blending in with the staff. In my experience, the vampires — even the guards — paid less attention to servants than to those dressed in street clothes. I wasn’t sure what that said about them but I was thankful for it now.

The guard jerked his head, instructing me to follow him.

Keeping a good pace behind him, I allowed my eyes to wander. The inside was not much different than my own home except it seemed that the council preferred more modern style than of the old world Boris had enjoyed.

My gaze trailed down to the white tile floors. They must be a bitch to remove blood from. Though, I supposed they didn’t really care who saw what they did here...


Another two guards stood before the interior door, leading into I had no idea. They did not care for the open floor plan that most modern homes did. Marcus will be overjoyed by that. Having an open floor plan would have made it more difficult to sneak about. Nowhere to take cover as he’d say.

“What’s that?” The guard who had stopped us pointed to the box in my hands.

I held the box up for them. “A gift for Piper.”

The guard moved closer, eyeing the box warily. “What’s in it?”

Rather than trying to fool them, I told them the truth. “Blood of my masters for the baby.”

The guards exchanged a look before the first one asked his partner. “Is that allowed?”

His partner shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s not a weapon. Should we ask the masters?”

The first one shook his head. “No. They’re feeding. I don’t want to be the one to interrupt them. Do you?”

The second guard paled and shook his head vigorously. “No. I’m good.”