The two hunters stepped forward and Vincent held up a hand. “It’s alright. I was unreasonable in showing up here so soon. I simply worried you might have forgotten your end of the deal.” He turned slightly to grin at the rest of us, his teeth gnashing together so hard that I swore he’d have been a better vampire than human. “You will forgive me for my intrusion.”

I inclined my head. “It is understandable. Unfortunately, we have nothing to report.”

“As I told you on the phone, Vincent.” Wynn jumped in with a lazy grin. “After the council exonerated Allister and killed Morpheus, they have been on the move. We haven’t been able to pin them down in one place for longer than a day.”

Vincent sighed. “Well, that is disappointing. I had hoped for better news. I would like nothing more than to get this over with so that we may all go back to our lives.” He looked at Piper pointedly. “I will be checking in again soon. I hope to hear better news by then.”

“Of course,” I gestured toward the door with a gracious half bow. “Darren, would you be so kind as to escort our guests to their vehicle?”

“This way.” Darren started out of the room. Except the two hunters didn’t move. They stared at Piper for a long moment before shifting their gaze to Vincent.

Vincent waved a hand and started forward. “Let us leave. I have a stack of reports to go through and I want it to be done in time for the new episode of my show tonight.”

Rayne’s mouth twitched and I shot him a look. We didn’t need a reason for the hunters to loiter longer on our premises. The fact that we were getting them out of here this easily was a gift from some higher being.

Soon the door to the house closed and Darren appeared back in the room with a strained frown. “They have left.”

Angelica blew out a long breath and sagged in her chair. “About fucking time. I don’t know how your girl does it. I couldn’t handle facing vampires and those assholes all the time.” Her southern twang became heavier with each word. “How many more times am I expected to deal with those kinds of people?”

“As many times as you are required,” Darren reminded her with a scowl. “You signed a contract and have been paid. We expect you to do your part. Or we will contact your employer.”

Angelica’s or rather Piper’s face went white. “No. No. I got this. No need to do anything drastic. I can handle a few jerk wads. Wouldn’t be my first time.”

“As for the incident with Rayne earlier,” I began with a firm frown. “I do not want to hear of anything like that happening again. Just do your job or we will have to let you go. I would hate to have to blemish your perfect record.”

Standing up, Angelica brushed her hands over the front of her pants. “I got you. Perfect angel from now on. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

Rayne flashed his fangs at her maliciously. “Oh, you will. I can promise you that.”