Chapter 8


Hunched over my computer, I typed so hard that the keys threatened to break beneath my fingertips. I’d been searching for Piper’s location for weeks now and I haven’t come across anything I could use to find her.

The door slammed open, smacking the wall behind it. Plaster fell on the floor with a crackle.

Drake stalked into my room with the energy of a freight train. “Please tell me you found her.”

I scowled and gestured at my computer. “Do you think I would be sitting here in bed when I could be downstairs sleeping if I had found anything?”

His boots stomped across the room until he threw himself down on the end of my bed. I grabbed my computer and yelled, “Hey, watch it. Do you know how much this thing costs?”

Drake rolled his eyes and put his arms behind his head. “Not like you couldn’t buy another one. Don’t be such a baby.”

I kicked my foot out at him, knocking his shoulder. “I’m not the baby. You are. I’m not the one who came barging into your room demanding answers.”

Closing his eyes, Drake didn’t even retaliate for me hitting him. “Right.”

Pursing my lips, I stared down at him. Something wasn’t right here.

Opening my mind, I zeroed in on Drake’s thoughts. Before I could hear anything, Drake said, “Don’t go poking around in my head. If you want to know something, ask.”

I grunted and clipped my computer closed. “What do you want?”

“I told you, where’s Piper?”

Shaking my head, I dragged my hand through the long pieces of red noting that I needed a haircut soon. “If that’s all you wanted you would have just waited for our next meeting tonight. So...” I urged and then nudged him with my foot again to get his attention. “What’s up?”

“Allister is being annoying. I needed to get away from him.” Drake muttered, turning on his side so that his back was to me.

“Then why don’t you go to your room?” I sat my computer to the side and watched the muscles flex in his back. The urge to read his mind was hard to resist.

“Because that stupid witch is in there.” Drake snorted and air quoted. “Cleaning.” He sat up and turned to me. “That woman wouldn’t know how to clean if her life depended on it. You know I saw her using the toilet cleaner on the hallway floor?”

My nose wrinkled. “Ew.”

“Yeah. And she ruined my favorite shirt by putting it in the wash.” Drake’s fingers curled into fists and pounded against his knees. “I’m half tempted just to snap her neck and be done with it. Deliver her body to the vampire guild so they’ll get off our case.”

I huffed. “Like that would work. That would just make them try to break the deal they had with Piper to leave us alone.”

Drake blew out a hard breath. “Yeah, we’re stuck between a rock and a hard place and there’s no one we can kill to fix it.”

I pursed my lips. “Maybe that’s the problem. Everyone is so focused on killing each other that now the only way that we are going to get out of this situation is if they all just drop dead on their own.”

“I wish. We’d need a miracle for that to happen.” Drake shoved himself up and off the bed and twisted from one side to the other grunting as he stretched. “Well, I guess I’ll go see if I can stomach Allister’s whining.”

“Good luck.” I told him, picking my computer back up.

Drake snorted. “If he mysteriously ends up with a stake through his heart, you’ll know who did it.”

I chuckled as the door shut.

Everyone was on edge but it said something when the twins were driving each other nuts. I hoped that we could all stand it a little bit longer.

Leaning back against the headboard of my bed, I closed my eyes for a moment, reaching my powers out. I’d tried every day several times a day since Piper was taken, searching for Piper’s brain signature. I stretched it until my head hurt and it snapped back like a rubber band.

Fuck. Piper, where are you?