Drake chuckled. "That's the Piper we all know and love."

"Actually," Allister interrupted. "What I was going to say was that you haven't slept with all of us. You and Marcus as far as I know, have yet to consummate your feelings for one another."

While Drake burst out laughing making fun of his brother for the way he worded things, I stared at Marcus.

My mind went back to that day in the library where Marcus had me pressed up against the wall, his fingers doing all kinds of naughty delicious things to my nether regions. Then he stopped. Almost as if he had thought of somewhere else to be.

I did remember being confused because he'd said, "Not like this. Not now."

At the time, I thought he meant not in the library. Maybe it was something else.

"You had a chance to and you didn't..." I watched his face as I asked the question, "Why?"

Marcus' eyes did not waver from mine as he answered. "I want you as you truly are. As the woman we all love. Not for some cheap trick to appease the council."

"Aww," Drake smacked Marcus on the shoulder. "Look at that, you do know how to woo a woman."

Marcus shot Drake a murderous look that I matched.

"Everyone," Darren called out. "We're here."

Antoine, who had been quite for the ride, spoke now. "Let me do the talking. We do not know how the council will react to the news. They won't be happy to have their game cut short. So it's just best if we all remain calm and explain the situation."

The others muttered their agreement while my insides rolled. More vampires. More bloodshed. I didn't know if I could handle it.

"Piper?" Antoine asked, offering me his hand. "Are you ready?"

I placed my hand in Antoine's, allowing him to help me out of the limo.

We walked up to a club with a large neon sign and big bold blood red letters, reading Club Dead. I could only imagine what was inside the club with the name like Club Dead, it probably was a club for monsters just like everything else I'd come across lately.

Antoine didn't let go of my hand as we walked to the club entrance. It was not like any club I'd ever been in. It wasn't loud and boisterous with people lining up to get in. There were only the two large guards that seemed to have as much personality as a wooden stick.

Once inside, we walked down a long hallway, the lights dimmed, but no music playing.

I felt like we were marching to our deaths and every single step made my stomach knot tighter and tighter.

Antoine squeezed my hand.

I knew he was trying to be reassuring, only it wasn't.

Maybe if I had my memories, I'd be okay with this. Maybe if I knew what the hell was going on. I wouldn't feel like I was ready to throw up all over the floor. However, that also could just be my morning sickness talking.

Finally, we arrived in the main part of the club.

We walked by a bar that had a single bartender standing behind it. There was no one else in the club, the couches and the chairs all empty. The lights, thrown on, even though no one was there to care. The bartender didn't even bother glancing up at us as we walked into the room.

When we approached the couches Antoine paused, and told me to sit down. I did as he asked even though the rest of them stood around me.

Rayne walked over to the bartender, having a low conversation with him, that I couldn't hear.

"Don't worry so much Piper," Drake told me. "We'll take care of you. We won't let anything happen to you. Remember, we're on your side."

Knowing what I knew, I wasn't sure it was very comforting.

We sat there for a few minutes, twiddling our thumbs, not bothering to talk between ourselves. I wondered if the guys were as nervous as I was. Or if they knew something I didn’t and, most likely, they were biding their time for something to happen, something that they didn't want to tell me.

After a few minutes passed, the clacking of shoes on the tile floor alerted me to someone approaching.