"I'm sorry," Vincent stepped in with a frown. "I seem to have wandered in on something. Is this a bad time?"

"No," I quickly said as the others said in unison, "Yes."

"Ah, I see." Vincent turned to me scanning my form for something before saying, "I'm not sure what's going on here but if you're going to honor our agreement I won't wait forever. I expect to have an answer soon."

"An answer to what?" I asked, baffled by what he was saying.

Vincent, as he was called, twisted a ring on his finger and frowned. "To the location of the vampire council, of course. Are you alright? It's almost like you don't want your freedom from the hunters. Or have you changed your mind?"

"Huh?" I blinked at him not computing the words that just came out of his mouth.

Vincent stepped closer to me. "You know if you're not happy here with these blood suckers. We hunters would be happy to have you."

Blood suckered? Hunters? What in the world?

Then it clicked.

The leather outfits. The lingerie. The vials of blood hidden all over my room. The way the Durands seemed to act so casually around me as if I were some lowly servant. This was all real. This was my life. It wasn't some supernatural fantasy. These guys were vampires and if I understood right the man walking out the door was a vampire hunter. So what was I doing with either of them?

"Just think about it would you?" Vincent said from the door and I almost called out to him. Almost asked him to get me away from these strangers. But something inside me stopped me.

Maybe it was some emotion I forgot or maybe it was my need to know how I ended up pregnant and missing a significant part of my memory. All I knew was that the only place I was going to get answers from was here and I couldn't run away. Not now.

"Are you ready Piper?" Rayne asked, holding out his hand to me. "Are you ready to find out the truth?"

I swallowed down the bile rising, my eyes darting between the others then back to the hand offered to me.

Sliding my hand into his, I licked my lips and said, "I'm ready."