I shot him a glare. “I am aware of that little fact, thank you very much. Did you have something useful to add or did you just come in here to annoy me?”

Wynn’s lips ticked up at the edges. “Neither. Both. I haven’t decided yet.”

“I heard you haven’t introduced yourself to Piper yet,” I countered, leaning on my elbow. “Is there a reason why?”

Circling the blood in his glass, Wynn didn’t meet my gaze as he answered, “Anticipation. The longer it takes for her to meet me the more she will think about me. Wonder what I look like. What I sound like. In the end she will come crawling to me.” His lips curled up in a wicked grin suddenly. “Which reminds me of this one night, where Piper was being particularly naughty and I took this cord and wrapped it around her…”

“Please stop.” I held a hand up. “This is hard enough without visuals.”

Wynn snorted. “Like you’re one to talk. You have Darren to fill your lonely nights.” I settled him with a look. “Or are things not so well in paradise?”

I crossed my leg and turned away from him. “We’re both feeling the pressure right now. It’s hard to connect when you’re too focused on what you don’t have.”

Wynn hummed and sipped his blood. “Do you ever think it’s easier as a human?”


“Loving someone.”

I shifted in my seat and stared out the window. “I suppose it’s a lot less life threatening. Though, it’s not something I ever think I’ll know.”

Wynn sighed. “Pity.”