While I brushed my teeth, I decided I’d just ask Darren about the previous maid. Whoever it was must have had real problems. The lingerie, the leather, the vials of blood. What were they? Some kind of a vampire chick from the eighties?

Chuckling to myself, I spit and rinsed, setting my toothbrush back in the holder. Or at least, I thought it was mine. I stared at it for a long moment and then grimaced. I threw it in the garbage. Better safe than sorry.

Grabbing the chores list, I folded it and stuck it in the back pocket of my jeans before heading out the door. I stepped into the hallway and glanced right and left, realizing I had no idea where I was going.

Clicking my fingers and shifting in place, I darted back and forth with which way to go. “Just pick a way. That’s it. You can go from there. Just pick one. It’s not that hard.”

Suddenly a burst of laughter came from the end of the hall making the decision for me. I turned right. A short walk down the hallway led me to a staircase where the laughter was coming from. Hurrying down the stairs, I found myself in the kitchen. Darren sat at the island with a coffee cup in hand while a plump older woman chatted with him.

When I entered, they both stopped talking. Darren didn’t move but the older woman turned to greet me. “You must be Piper! Good morning. I’m Gretchen the house cook. How did you sleep?” She came around the island and went in for a hug. I let her because well, I don’t really know why. It just seemed the right thing to do. It didn’t feel awkward. It was almost like hugging one’s grandmother - well not mine, since she was the biggest tight ass I’d ever known.

I patted Gretchen on the back, not sure what to do with my hands until she let me go. I let out a nervous chuckle. “Hi, everyone sure is friendly huh?” I shot a not so subtle look at Darren.

“Oh, don’t let that old grouch get you down,” Gretchen winked, leading me over to the island. “You just have to know how to work Darren. You’ll be fast friends before you know.”

Hesitantly I took a seat at the island and gratefully took the cup of coffee Gretchen offered. Before I could ask for it, the plate of cream and sugar already pushed my way. I glanced up and met Darren’s gaze. “Uh, thanks.”

Darren inclined his head, returning to his coffee.

“So…” I drew out. “What’s the Durands like? I mean, they can’t be too uptight since they sleep past eight.” I laughed but no one laughed with me.

“Oh don’t worry about them. They’re night owls.” Gretchen offered me a small smile as she placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of me. My go-to breakfast most mornings. “You probably won’t see them until this evening.”

I nodded my head in understanding though I didn’t understand at all. How could they afford such a big place and servants for that matter and stay up all night? Didn’t they have jobs?

I wanted to ask but didn’t think it was proper to ask just yet. At least, not on my first day. It seemed like a second day question.

When I was done eating, I pulled my list out and scanned over it. “Dust the vases.” I pushed out of my chair and stood. “Okay, I can do that.”

Darren stood abruptly and took the list from my hand.

“Hey!” I tried to grab it.

“Actually, best to stay away from the breakables,” Darren said out of the blue, he gave Gretchen a look that made the older woman giggle. “I’ll handle that.”

“Hey, I’m not going to break anything,” I scowled, snatching the list back from him. “I’ll have you know I am as graceful as a swan.”

Darren’s lips curled at one edge and I swear I almost swooned on the spot. “Oh, you are?”

“Y…yes,” I stuttered suddenly at a loss for words.

“Well, then I suppose we’ll just have to see won’t we.” Darren turned and walked away. “Try not to break anything too valuable. We wouldn’t want you to be indebted to the Durands forever.”

I stuck my tongue out after him before turning back to Gretchen. “Geez, is he always such a dick?”

Gretchen just grinned.