Odette snorted. “Just because you have the emotional capacity of my dolly doesn’t mean that others do.” She clutched her doll to her chest. “Besides, I think it’s romantic.”

“Yes…” Tuma trailed off, he bobbed his foot up and down. “I do wonder how the seven of you were able to fall for one another. Was it some twist of fate or are you simply victims of your circumstances?”

“No offense meant, your excellencies,” Wynn stepped in, placing a hand on my waist. “I would not call us victims of any kind. We have fallen for Piper because of who she is not because we were looking for someone to share or that we are only victims of happenstance. I would love Piper Billings even if we had not been in any kind of mortal danger.”

“And the rest of you?” Tuma pointed his cane at the others. “Do you feel the same way?”

A collective movement had the others closing in around me, each of them placing a hand on me in some way. I tried to keep my mind clear so as not to give this Caleb guy any reason to doubt our words. They didn’t know about Darren it seemed in their infinite knowledge. Or about Marcus and I not quite being there yet.

Crap don’t think about it. Shit balls. Fuck.

Caleb made a sound in his throat that could have possibly been a laugh. My eyes jerked up to study him. Suspicion set in as he spoke.

“Would you bet your lives on it?”

“Excuse me?” Antoine asked, the tone of his voice to others would have seemed like he could be there all day. Only those closest to him would know the tick at his lip that gave away how short his patience was getting.

“Yes, that is a brilliant idea.” Tuma laughed, clapping his hands twice. “It would answer our curiosity and give us time to think of an appropriate punishment for your transgressions.”

Frowning, I glanced from one of the council members to the others. “I don’t understand.”

“It’s like a game!” Odette beamed, clasping her hands together. “Like Cinderella finding her prince times six!”

“Yes,” Tuma drew out. “I do believe I like this idea. Caleb…if you would.”

Caleb stood from the couch and approached us. I backed away from him not wanting to end up like Morpheus on the ground there.

“Miss Piper, please relax. He’s not going to hurt you.” Tuma laughed but I wasn’t convinced.

“Yeah right. Tell me what’s going on?” I finally was getting tired of these games and wanted to know what they were going on about.

“You claim that you would have fallen for each other regardless of all the events that have happened. We want you to prove it,” Tuma explained with a nod.

I inched back from Caleb’s outstretched hand. “And how exactly am I supposed to do that?”

“I’m going to erase your memories,” Caleb said plainly.

“Uh…no? I don’t think so. I like my memories right where they are. Thanks all the same.” I shook my head back and forth, falling into the guys as Caleb pursued me.

“Do not worry, Piper,” Odette giggled. “They won’t be gone. Just…” she paused searching for the word.

“Suppressed,” Caleb answered for her. “I will suppress all memory of your relationship with the Durands. It will be as if you were just beginning your service to them.”

I blinked at him. “But why?”

Tuma tut-tutted. “We want you to show us. That you would still fall in love with each other if you weren’t in mortal danger.”

I blinked once more. “But why?”

Tuma’s lips curled up into an amused grin. “Call it morbid curiosity.” When I didn’t answer, he sighed. “Indulge us this once, it may be in your favor.”

“Piper.” Antoine took my hand and drew me forward. “I do believe we should do this for the council.”

I pressed my lips together wanting to argue but not sure how to go about it in front of the council. Antoine inclined his head slightly, his eyes telling more than just the nod. Do this and we might get out of this. Do this and we just might not end up like Morpheus.

My eyes flickered to the ground where the body still laid and then back up to Tuma. “How long do we have?”

“A week,” Caleb answered quickly.

I scoffed, sneering at him. “Could you fall in love with one person let alone six in one week?”

“Very well,” Tuma answered, and then hummed as he tapped his chin with his ring-covered fingers. “A month. One month for each of them. That gives you half a year to prove to us that you can fall in love with each of them without choosing just one.”

How could I get out of this? Could I get out of this? Was it even possible to fall in love with them all over again in that short of time? I mean, I kind of did it before, right? How hard could it be?

I swallowed thickly, glancing at the others for a moment before locking eyes with Caleb. “Fine. I’ll do it.”