"Nothing else to say?" Tuma asked, tapping his cane against his shoe.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glowered. "Why? You will do what you want regardless of what I have to say. So why bother?"

"While you may have succumbed to your fate, your masters have not." Caleb's attention followed me as I walked back to my men.

Odette paused at my side before skipping back over to the other two council members. "I like her and them." She flopped down on the couch and kicked her feet back and forth. "I think we should keep them."

"They are not dolls for your collection Odette." Caleb chastised the child.

She snarled at Caleb in turn her innocent features turned fierce. "Unlike you I do not wish to turn every being's mind into mush."

"Odette is correct." Tuma interrupted their squabbling. "They are too valuable to just kill outright and yet they cannot be unpunished for the crimes they have committed against their own kind."

"And him?" Caleb pointed at Morpheus who had stayed off to the side no doubt hoping to hide in the background.

Tuma looked at Morpheus, his lips ticked with displeasure. It must have been some kind of sign because Odette grinned so broadly her fangs were exposed. "Kill him."