
My stomach knotted around itself the whole drive. I still wasn't sure I'd made the right decision but getting my memories back was more important than anything. I could figure out the rest later.

"Do not worry, pet. Everything will be fine." Wynn tried to hold my hand and I jerked away, moving as far away from him as I could. The hurt in his eyes made my chest ache but I shoved it down.

There was no way that I was dating these guys. Vampires. Monsters. Or whatever they were. All I knew was that what I saw in the park wasn't human.

I was human. I knew I was. I ate. I slept. I shit. I had a heart beat. I had nausea. Oh God. Is this ever going to stop?

My hand rested on my stomach. I had a life inside of me and I didn't even know which one of them was the father. My eyes tried to look around the limo but I forced them back out the window.

Was it even any of their baby? Could vampires have babies? What if it came out with little fangs? What if it tried to eat its way out of my stomach like in that alien movie?

"Piper," Rayne said.

I jerked at my name. "What?"

"That's not going to happen." The sympathy in Rayne's eyes only pissed me off.

I scowled at him. "Stay out of my head!"

"I'm just saying," Rayne continued completely unfazed by me. "You're being irrational. Nothing like that is going to happen."

I crossed my arms over my chest and muttered, "How do you know?"

Wynn answered. "Because vampire babies are highly unlikely. The older the vampire, the less active his..." He waved a hand in front of him as if trying to think of the word. "...seed."

"So you're saying your sperm is as dead as you are," I snapped.

Giving an elegant nonchalant shrug, Wynn said, "More or less."

"What he means," Drake interjected, “is that all of us over a hundred years old are dried up. Poof." He opened his hands in front of him like an explosion was happening. "Nothing but shooting blanks there, honey."

"Don't call me that," I growled and then glanced around the limo before my eyes landed on Darren's head in the front seat. "So you're telling me that Darren, the only other human of the bunch, is the only likely father?"

Darren's eyes met mine through the rear view mirror for an instant.

"Not exactly," Drake continued. "While the rest of us are well past our peak," he clamped his hand on Rayne's leg. "Rayne here is barely sixty. He could have just as likely knocked you up."

Rayne shoved Drake's hand off his knee. "Thanks but don't help me."

"No, no," I stopped him from cutting Drake off more. "I should know who the father of my offspring is going to be. I mean since apparently I've been slutting it up with the whole lot of you."

Allister lifted his hand.

I sighed. "What?"

"I wouldn't call it that. We all have a genuine relationship with you that we cherish. To label it as something as simple as sex is an offense to our whole dynamic."

I snorted. "Well, I'm sorry if it's a little hard to believe I fell for all of you."

Allister raised his hand again.

"Oh my fucking God if you raise your hand again I will cut it off and feed it to you! Just say what you want to say." I couldn't even believe what I was saying. Had I ever been this blood thirsty? I don't think I'd ever threatened anyone in my entire life. Maybe they do know me better than I know myself.

The idea was frightening and a little thrilling.