“Unrequited love,” was all she said before turning her back on me.

Taking a big bite of my sandwich, I moaned in pleasure. As I swallowed, I flipped open the top of the bread to see what Gretchen had put on the sandwich. “Mustard and mayo? How did you know I like both?”

Gretchen shrugged a shoulder. “It’s a gift.”

“Hey Gretchen, could I get some crackers?”

My head lifted from my heavenly sandwich and almost choked. There standing in the kitchen doorway was the most adorable guy I had ever seen. I didn’t use the word adorable lightly. Most guys were hot or handsome. This one was just downright cute and it worked for him. From the top of his ruffled red hair to the bottom of his high top shoes.

The guy crossed his arms over his dark green t-shirt and leaned on the doorway, a little look of concern on his face. “Are you okay?”

I nodded dumbly as Gretchen handed me a glass of water. I swallowed it down quickly only to give myself a coughing fit that had the cutie pie patting me on the back.

“Geez, are you always this eager to die?” The guy chuckled sliding into the seat next to me. “I’m Rayne by the way. Durand.”

My eyes widened and I quickly wiped the back of my hand over my mouth. “Uh, hi, Piper. The maid.”

Rayne bobbed his head then turned back to Gretchen. “So? Crackers?”

Gretchen placed her hands on both hips and arched a brow. “You know very well where they are. Why don’t you get them yourself?”

Rayne groaned. “But you’re so much closer.”

Shaking her head, Gretchen turned to the cabinet and retrieved the box Rayne requested. “I swear, you may be older but you act worse than my grandchildren.”

“Older?” I frowned, glancing between the two. Rayne couldn’t be more than a year or two younger than me while Gretchen had to at least be fifty or more.

Rayne coughed, covering his mouth with his hand. “Uh, that’s not what she meant.”

Gretchen’s eyes widened. “Oh, no. I mean he’s older than my grandchildren.” Her cheeks flushed a pretty shade of pink and she seemed much younger than fifty now.

“Oh okay,” I mumbled to myself, returning to my sandwich. Just focus on work and not all the hot guys running around. I could not afford to lose this job because of my libido. This was my last chance damn it.

Rayne chuckled beside me.

I shot a look in his direction, brows furrowed. “What’s so funny?”

Rayne shook his head and popped a cracker into his mouth. “Nothing, you just seem like a big overthinker is all.”

“I do?” No one has ever called me an overthinker. More like an underachiever. I had always strived to do the most mediocre amount possible. No one wanted to get stuck with more work for being good at their job or get fired for doing too little. A happy middle had always been my place.

This time Rayne snorted and almost choked himself. I slapped him on the back with an even more confusion whirling inside of me. This guy was a weird one.

“Sorry,” Rayne cleared his throat. “Just remembered something funny.” He picked his box of crackers up and stood from the island. “Thanks for the crackers. Nice to meet you Piper.”

I raised a hand in a wave at his retreating back. Then turned back to Gretchen. “The men here sure are weird ones. Hotter than hell, but weird.”

Gretchen burst out laughing. “Honey, you don’t know the half of it.”