
My mind was a collage of horror movie images. Or at least that’s the only way I could explain them. Blood and gore splattered every part of my mind mixed in with groans and naked bodies. It seemed like my body was confused on if it should be turned on or terrified. The nightmare - dream? - finally stopped when I hit the ground with a hard thud.

Groaning, I grabbed my head and tried to sit up. I found my arms and legs trapped in the sheets. I fought against the sheets, jerking and pulling until I finally could see the light. Or the dim light of day because my curtains were drawn. I frowned and blinked at the room.

Where the hell was I?

It seemed vaguely familiar like I should know where I was but for some ungodly reason I had forgotten.

The room was nice at least. So, whoever kidnapped me had good taste. I crawled off the floor and something occurred to me. Where were my clothes? I patted myself down and realized I was indeed wearing clothes - not ones I even remotely remember buying but clothes nonetheless. I let out a long sigh. That was a relief.

Peering around the room, I found a dresser. Lips twisted to one side, I walked over to it and pulled open the first drawer. Okay, these I recognize. I thought to myself as I pulled a pair of night shorts out. Then my brow furrowed at all the lingerie I did not remember buying. When have I ever worn lingerie…ever?

Not that I was against it, just usually my boyfriends didn’t last long enough for me to even bother with buying any. And any one night stand was not worth the effort.

Tossing a pair of panties back into the drawer, I turned to the closet next. There were several normal outfits that I’d seen before and then some not so normal ones. Where did all this leather come from?

I picked up a pair of knee high boots. Was there a costume party I wasn’t aware of? I dropped them back in the closet and one fell over. “Oops,” I giggled about to ignore it when something came rolling out of the top of the boot.

Frowning, I picked up the small glass vial. Full to the brim with dark red liquid, it took me a second to realize what it was and when I did I almost dropped the thing. Clutching it close to my chest, I scanned the room as if someone had been watching, my heart nearly beating out of my chest.

Blood! What was a vial of blood doing in my boots?

Before I could contemplate any further, a knock on my door had me nearly throwing myself across the room. I shoved the vial back into the top of the boot and shut the closet door with a slam. Hurrying to the bedroom door, I almost opened it without answering. Realizing how dangerous that was, I cleared my throat to ask, “Who is it?”

The answering voice had a very nice tone to it though a bit short. “Darren. The butler.”

I frowned. The butler? What butler? Realizing I could probably open the door, I wretched it open with a sheepish grin. “Uh, hi. Darren. Um…sorry I’m having a little hard time remembering where I am…could you?” I waved a finger around the doorway like it would explain everything.

For a long moment, Darren stared at me. So I stared right back and what a hottie he was. Jet black hair that had that slicked back look that gave him a prim and proper- I’d be the best sex you’ve ever had once you get me off work- look to it. His suit was pressed and not a piece out of place. The only thing was the white gloves he wore on his hands as he handed me a piece of paper.

“You are in the Durand household. You were accepted as the new live-in maid yesterday. This is a list of chores you will be expected to do. I will provide you with a new list daily.” He kept talking even as I looked over the list. “The masters are asleep at the moment so I would suggest starting with some of the house cleaning over things such as bathrooms and laundry.”

“Got it,” I murmured as I chewed on my nail. “Uh…Darren?’

“Yes?” Darren arched a brow and for a second it seemed like he wanted to say something else but then didn’t.

“There’s a lot of clothes in here I don’t remember buying.” I gestured at my pajamas. “And I certainly don’t remember getting dressed for bed.”

Darren sighed as if I were irritating him already. “You must have put them on yourself because I know I certainly didn’t and if not, then who? Perhaps you were tired after yesterday’s events?” He seemed to really want me to believe the answers provided to me either because he didn’t want to talk to me any more or something. I was betting on the former. He seemed like he had a stick up his ass that needed to be pulled out. Too bad he was too much of a bore or I’d be happy to help him.

“And the clothes?” I asked again.

“Most likely from the former maid. Some don’t bother taking all their belongings when they leave. So, just think of it as a finders keepers type of situation.” Darren placed his hands behind his back. “Now, if that will be all?”

I opened my mouth to ask another question but Darren had already turned and walked away.

“Well, screw you too buddy,” I muttered, closing the door.

Turning back to my room, I sat the list of chores on the nearby table. There were two chairs at the small dinette table and for a moment I had a weird sensation of deja vu like I’d seen it somewhere before. I shook my head and laughed it off. Like Darren had said, I saw it last night. I was just too tired to remember it.

Okay, what to wear today?

I did remember coming to the Durands for a live-in maid position. The agency had given me one last chance or I’d be tough out of luck. This was it so I had to make it work. If I got fired, I’d be living in my car again or god help me…I shuddered…living with my parents.

I grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt since there wasn’t any kind of dress code given and set about getting ready for work. In the bathroom, I did the essentials and pulled my hair up into a ponytail. Opening the cabinet mirror above the sink, I searched for my toothpaste. Finding it, I went to close the cabinet door and then stopped. Curiously, I opened it back up and stared at the contents inside. It had all the normal things that a medicine cabinet would have: band aids, cotton balls, tampons. What was different about this one was the rack of vials just like the one in the boot early just sitting there like it was just a normal thing to have in the cabinet. Trying not to think about it too much, I closed the cabinet and returned to getting ready for work.