The two muscle heads led us until we stood before the three of them, the table between us. That creepy doll staring up at us as if it too was judging us.

"Welcome House of Durand," the man in purple spoke, leaning forward on his cane as his pitch-black eyes scanned us with increasing interest. "Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to visit with us."

"Like we had a choice," Piper muttered to herself, causing Drake and myself to cough as we tried to cover our laugh. Antoine lifted his gaze to the ceiling as if praying for patience. Either from him or the council before us.

"Oh, fucking hell. She's going to get us all killed," Morpheus cried, pushing between us to stand at the front. "Look," he bent at the waist, bowing to the council, his hands pressed together before him. "I'm innocent in all this. I'm a simple club owner. I pay my dues. I don't draw attention to myself." He waved behind him at us. "It's them you want. They're the traitors. It's them you want."

The three council members stared at him with distaste.

Piper snorted. "You should have let me kill him when we had the chance."

A giggle like a chime of bells filled the room. The little girl jumped off the couch and skipped around the table. Everyone froze as she approached Piper, grabbing her by the hand and smiling, her little fangs glinting in the light.

"Uh, hi," Piper looked down at the girl.

The girl giggled again. "I like you. You're funny."

Piper glanced at me and the others, a silent cry for help before turning back to the girl. "Uh...thanks?" Piper locked eyes with me shoving her thoughts at me so hard I winced.What the fuck?

I peered down at the little girl squinting my eyes as I tried to read her thoughts. But there was nothing. An emptiness that couldn't possibly be.

The little girl turned her big orbs on to me with a pout. "You shouldn't peek at a girl's thoughts. It's not polite."

I didn't bother denying what I'd done, simply shrugged.

"Your little parlor trick will not work on us." The man in purple smirked, gesturing his cane toward the other man. "Caleb here has tricks of his own. Including protecting us against other vampire abilities. I wouldn't try any of your puny little powers against us. You will surely fail."

Well, we’re fucked.