
The thoughts around me were jumbled. Everyone was worried about what was to come. Darren had stayed behind with Gretchen, though with much protest. However, someone had to be at the house in case something went wrong. Not that we had a backup plan exactly. Or at least, I didn't have one.

My gaze shifted to Antoine, trying not to draw attention to myself. His mind wasn't quite as jumbled full of thoughts as the others. The calm in his mind was almost suspicious.

Antoine's gaze lifted. His pale eyes locked with mine.


I gave a subtle nod. The others were too caught up in their own thoughts to notice the exchange.

If this goes wrong, you must get her away.

I stared at Antoine. How exactly did he expect me to do that?

There's a bag packed and papers in my safe. You know the code.

I shifted in my seat, scratching the back of my neck as I bobbed my head.

She'll try to sacrifice everything for us. You know she will. We can't let her this time. This time, we get her out and gone.

I wanted to ask him exactly where I was supposed to take Piper that would keep her out of the council's and the hunters' views. Except I couldn't, not now. Thankfully, Antoine filled that blank in as well.

There's instructions in the safe. If I die. So will she. You must save her. Like I saved you.

I blinked at Antoine. Not quite believing what he was saying. He wanted me to what now? Save Piper? The way he saved me? I didn't know if I could do that. It took a lot of power to change someone into a vampire. Something I never had a lot of.

You can do it.My eyes darted up to Antoine's again. He stared me down, almost daring me to deny it.I believe in you.

I huffed a laugh.

"What?" Piper bumped me with her arm and her brow raised. "What's so funny?"

I pressed my lips into a reassuring smile, grabbing her hand in mine. "Nothing. Just thinking about Morpheus's face when you threatened him."

The vampire in question snarled but kept his mouth shut.

Piper smirked, leaning into my side.

That's right. Yuck it up, bitch. You won't think you're so hot once the council gets a hold of you. Then we'll see who is begging for mercy.

"Hey," I kicked out, hitting Morpheus's shin with my foot. "That's my girlfriend you're talking shit about."

Piper tightened her grip on my hand.Fucking twat waffle.

Morpheus scowled at the two of us but didn't say anything.


I turned my head and kissed Piper on the head. "Calm now. We don't need to arrive covered in each other's blood. That's just what they want from us."

"When will we get there?" Drake grunted, leaning forward onto his knees with his elbows. "Are they just expecting us to go in blind?"

Antoine stared out the window, his gaze scanning the area. "They don't want us to know where they're located. Except they made a mistake." Antoine shot a look in my direction."We're not going out of town..."

Everyone shifted to see out the window better. Antoine was right. The area around us was familiar. Too familiar.