"Miss Durand," the driver inclined his head, his eyes only briefly flicking to the bandage on my neck, and the blood splatter on my clothing.

I gave him a tight smile. "Action movie. It's going to be awesome."

Relief filled the driver's face as he opened the door for me.

I didn't know if he actually believed me, but the excuse had worked well with all the rest of them, so I kept to it. What did I care what they thought? They were paid to get me safely home, not ask questions. I slumped in the backseat of the car and then sat back up when it caused my neck to ache.

The car began to move, and my mind wondered. How much longer would I have to do this? Was Antoine right? Would I be doing this until I either died or one of the other hunters take over for President Vincent and get rid of me? Sadly, I didn't see any other options. I didn't want to go back into hiding any more than the guys, and I couldn't do this forever. There had to be a way out of it. Or at least some vacation time, ‘cause at this rate, they were going to run me into an early grave.

Wincing as I found a new bruise on my side, I fingered the vial of Antoine's blood safely tucked into a leather-covered pocket attached at my belt. I'd almost worn it around my neck but figured that would be too easily broken. Antoine had assured me the glass was made of stronger stuff than that but still better safe than sorry. So, I kept it in the special pocket, and no one was the wiser. Besides, I wasn't sure what the hunters would do if they knew I had it as a failsafe.

We finally arrived home before I passed out in the car from exhaustion. The driver pulled into the circular driveway and parked the car. I was up and out before he could open the door for me and headed for the door.

My feet dragged as I made my way up the walkway, my body aching in all-new fun places. Before I reached the front door, a figure appeared out from behind one of the stone columns. I immediately went into defensive mode, pulling my dagger out and pointing it in their direction.

Jack Biggs, attorney at law and my ex-employer from Seabrick, stood in front of me. His dark hair was mused, and a faint line of hair lined his jaw as if he hadn't had time to shave. His brown eyes were wide as he held his hands in front of him. Jack wore a suit with no jacket, his tie was loose around his neck, and his sleeves rolled up to the elbow. If he was here on official business, he'd have worn the jacket and not looked so comfortable. He and Antoine were alike in that manner. Except Antione was never comfortable.

"Holy shit," Jack cried out, backing up from me. "What the hell Piper?"

"Oh, sorry." I put the dagger away in the wrist sheath. My eyebrows furrowing, I returned my attention back to Jack. "What are you doing here?"

Jack's gaze was wary as he took in my form, and no doubt, the blood on my skin and clothes. "Bethany and I were worried about you. You quit so suddenly with no notice." Jack explained, though I hinted a lie in there, I doubted Bethany cared enough to question my sudden departure. "I went to your house, but you'd already sold it."

"I told you, I had a family emergency and had to come back home." I didn't offer to let him in the house. It was almost dark, and the guys would be up and about around now. "You didn't need to come."

Jack shrugged. "You weren't answering my calls. I needed...I mean, we needed to be sure you were okay."

I swung a hand in front of me. "Well, I am. I'm sorry you wasted your time. You can go home now." I moved for the door, and Jack grabbed my arm.

"Now, hold on a second. You appear in our lives as if out of thin air, and then suddenly, you have a boyfriend we never heard of, and then you mysteriously get sick. Then the next thing we know, you come back to resign without notice. Just some paltry excuse of a family emergency." Jack shook his head, his gaze hard. "I can't accept that. I'm a lawyer. I know someone trying to cover up something when I see it."

There was movement in the house. Shit.

I pushed Jack's hand away from my arm. If Jack was surprised by my strength, then he didn't show it. He did stand his ground, though. "Look, Jack. I can understand your concern, but my life is a bit more complicated than I led on. Frankly, it's none of your business. I haven't done anything wrong. So, unless you have something else to say, you can just leave."

Jack opened his mouth, no doubt to spout some more nonsense when the door opened behind me. The lawyer's mouth dropped open even further, his eyes widening as they lifted up and over my head. Meaning it could only be three of the people who lived in the house behind me.

Marcus was out on an errand for Antoine and wouldn't be back until this weekend. Allister has made himself scarce lately. Who knew what he was up to? So, it only left one other beast of a man who could cause that kind of reaction in someone as confident as Jack Biggs.
