"You're worried. Why?"

He read me so easily now it was almost scary. Even after decades together, it was hard to get used to.

"I believe Piper would benefit from a visit and perhaps a bit of blood exchange." I tried my best not to break the promise I'd given Piper. The one that kept me from telling the Durands all about the injuries she sustained while keeping us all safe. She didn't want to worry them for one, and the other, she didn't want them rushing in and doing something stupid.

So, I did what I could.

Antoine stared at me as if expecting me to give him more, but when I didn’t, he nodded. "Very well, I will make a point to visit her today."

"Thank you, master." I bowed at the waist and turned on my heel, heading for the door.

"Darren." Antoine's voice was low this time, and I almost missed it. I paused but didn't turn back around. "You'd tell me if they were harming her in some way, wouldn't you?"

I swallowed thickly and nodded without looking at him. "Yes, of course."

"Good. That is all."

I hurried out of the room, knowing when I'd been dismissed. I wasn't a hundred percent sure Antoine had believed me, but I did what I had to do. We always hurt the ones we loved, especially when the other one was more stubborn than a mule.