
"OF ALL OF MY brothers, you were not the one I thought would damn us all." I leaned against the wall next to Piper. She said she was fine, but Piper always said she was fine. I didn't trust her to tell us the truth about her own wellbeing.

"My money had been on Rayne," Drake smirked at the hot-headed vampire. "God knows he puts his nose in where it doesn't belong enough."

Rayne glared at Drake. "And if I'd listened a little harder, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess."

"We don't even know exactly what mess we are in," Drake pointed out, pushing up off the kitchen island. "So, fess up, brother. Did you knock off these broads or what?"

"Drake," Piper gaped at him and shook her head. The movement made her groan and lower her head to the table. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"You should go lay down," Darren placed a hand on top of hers.

Piper pulled her hand away and lifted her head. "No. Not until we figure this out."

"Fine. Then let's figure this out." Drake turned his twin. "Well? Did you?"

Allister rubbed the back of his head and laughed harshly. "How can you even ask that?"

"Well,mon ami?" Wynn glanced up from his place against the fridge. "Answer the question."

Allister's form stiffened, his gaze growing hard. "No. I did not kill those women. Happy?"

"No," Drake snapped. "What would make me happy is if you hadn't gotten the hunters' attention at all!"

"Calm yourself," I shifted away from the wall as Drake made for his twin. "We do not need to fight amongst ourselves on top of everything."

"What he said," Piper muttered into the table, lifting an arm in the air.

Antoine smoothed his hands over his clothing and stepped up to Allister. "You have put this entire family at risk." Allister's face dropped at Antoine's words. "You must right this wrong before the hunters cannot be convinced otherwise."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"Marcus." Antoine gestured to me without turning.

"Yes." I stepped toward him, ready to do my duty.

"You have more experience in things of this nature. You will assist Allister in this task." Piper made a grunt of protest, and Antoine sighed reluctantly. "Piper will join you once she has eaten and slept." Piper made a sound as if to argue, but Antoine was firm. "I will not have you passing out somewhere that we will not be able to help you. Let us take care of the matter. You keep yourself from earning the ire of any more hunters."

I cleared my throat, gaining Antoine's attention.

"Oh, yes. There is also the matter of your human." Antoine turned away from Allister, clearly dismissing him. "Tonight was close. Too close. He needs to be"

Piper lifted her head from the table finally. "Just command him gone or something. Geez. You act like you don't use your powers for everything as it is."

Antoine arched a brow. "I was under the impression you did not wish me to use my abilities on your friends."

My lips twitched at his words. Calling Jack Biggs Piper's friend was putting it nicely. The man was a lawyer. He might have initially come out of concern for Piper, but he could smell a secret a mile away. I had come across enough lawyers in my time that I knew to steer clear of them.

Piper collapsed back on the table with a dramatic sigh. "At this point, I don't care. Just get rid of him."

"Come on, Piper." Darren stood and took her by the arm, helping her stand. "Let's get you to bed. Leave the complications for the masters."

Piper snorted, leaning into Darren's arms. "Some masters can't even keep their fangs in their mouth long enough not to get us killed."

Allister growled at Piper as she passed. She patted him on the butt, making him jump. "Just don't get us killed. Okay, Al?"