"That's not the problem. I mean, yes, they do eventually," I explained, my gaze sliding over to Allister. "Allister? Tell me what Mizuki said wasn't true? You didn't kill those women, did you?"

Allister stiffened on his side of the room, having been quiet the entire time.

"What?" Antoine looked to Allister, a quiet rage on his face.

"Please tell me this isn't true." Wynn appeared in the kitchen doorway. "Sorry, I'm late, love." He wiped the side of his mouth as if he had just finished eating, then his dark blue orbs glared at Allister. "Please tell me you haven't put us all in danger for a fit of childish jealousy."

"You knew?" I shot a look at Wynn, betrayal stinging in my heart. "You knew he was going out to that club every night with another girl, and you didn't say anything?"

Wynn held his hands out to his sides and gave me a pleading look. "My apologies, pet. It was not my place to tell. Allister was supposed to work through his issues and talk to you. It is not my fault he did not do so."

"And the rest of you?" I glanced around the room, looking for someone else with a guilty face. "Did you know?"

Drake shook his head. "No. I didn't. Fucking hell. Allister. I'm your brother. Your twin, and you kept this from me?"

Allister didn't respond, determined it seemed to keep quiet.

"I knew." Rayne lifted a finger in the air. "Or at least part of it." He gave a guilty shrug. "I try to stay out of their minds if I can help it, but some thoughts are louder than others."

"So, you knew he was going out every night?" I prodded, trying to find out the depth of his knowledge.

Shaking his redhead, Rayne said, "No. No. I didn't know about that. Just that he was feeling a bit neglected."

I huffed a laugh. "Neglected. Huh. Well, Allister's neglected feelings have now put us in some very deep shit. Haven't they?" I locked my eyes on the larger vampire.

"Piper," Marcus placed a hand on my shoulder. "Tell us what has happened."

Staring at Allister, I tried to control my emotions. "I had a call to Club Dead today, as you know. They were looking for a vampire who was going on a killing spree and wasn't being very clever about it. Ten girls in the span of ten nights. Each one someone the bartender said was with Allister the same night at the club."

The others all looked to Allister at that moment. The mixture of emotions on their faces equaled to that of my own. Anger. Horror. Disbelief. Sadness. Had he really done it? Had Allister, sweet, quiet Allister, really killed all those women? I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't, not without proof—more than just some bartender’s word.

"Well, Allister," Antoine finally asked, his voice void of any emotion. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

Allister locked eyes with me, not looking at anyone else in the room, and said, "It's true. I was with those women."