I glanced between Piper and the lawyer, trying to decipher what it was. What was I missing?

"Why don't you show Jack to his room?" Rayne prompted Piper with a stern tone, his eyes flickering over to me. "You're finished, aren't you, Jack?"

Jack, confused for a moment, stood with Piper. "Oh, yeah. Thank you." He couldn't seem to wait for the chance to be alone with Piper. Six sets of eyes followed the lawyer and the woman who had changed all our lives out of the dining room.

Piper gave a warning look over her shoulder when Jack wasn't looking. I saluted her with my empty glass.

"Well, that was...painful." Wynn lounged back in his chair, his dark hair curling over his shoulders, those blue eyes so much darker than my own rolled in my direction. "Why did you not just command him to leave?"

I smacked my lips together and turned my face from him. "And piss off Piper? No, thank you. I don't want to sleep with one eye open tonight."

Marcus laughed. "Nor do I."

"Yeah," Drake leaned forward in his seat. "I'll bear that arrogant prick's presence for her, but he makes one move." He slapped his hand on the top of the table, making it shake. "And he's dinner."

"Patience," Rayne smirked as if he had a secret. "We may have lawyer on the menu soon enough."

"Did you hear something?" Drake's eager eyes filled with hope. "Please tell me you found something in that picture-perfect head of his that we can use against him? A wife who mysteriously died? A load of criminally guilty clients? Embezzlement? Give me something!"

Rayne laughed ruefully. "Sorry. He's basically perfect. Gives to charity. No criminals. He rarely even sees the inside of a courtroom. Does a ton of pro-bono stuff. He even visits his grandmother every Sunday in the nursing home."

"Damn." Drake sighed and slouched in his chair. "I was getting thirsty."

"Well, feed outside of the house and leave Piper's guest alone," Rayne said, his gaze on the door they had left through.

I straightened in my seat. "Does he know something?"

Rayne shook his head, his red hair falling over his eyes. "No. Not yet. He's suspicious of us, clearly."

Drake huffed. "You'd think our last encounter would have scared him off."

"I don't think he believes we're all Piper's boyfriends." Rayne leaned back in his seat and threw his feet up on the corner of the table. "He's not worried because he thinks Darren is the only one he has to compete with. And maybe Wynn." His gaze shifted to the other vampire. "The only ones he's seen physically intimate with Piper."

Drake scoffed. "So what, we need to fuck her in front of him so he gets the picture?"

Rayne shrugged.

"I do not believe it will come to that Draconius." I tapped my nail on the top of the table and angled my head to the side, listening to the conversation just above our heads. "I believe our dear Piper will handle the situation as we speak."