After we got my bra off, Wynn lifted me up in his arms and pulled the shower curtain back. I placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. "You're going to get your clothes wet."

Lips ticking up at the edges, Wynn answered, "I have more clothes. I only have one of you."

My chest swelled with what I hoped was love and not more vomit while Wynn stepped into the shower.

The water was cool. Cooler than I usually showered in, but given the circumstances, I didn't complain. Wynn sat me on the ground of the tub and turned to pull his shirt off but left his jeans on, his feet already bare. Kneeling in the tub, Wynn reached for my loofah and the soap. I tried to tell him I could do it myself, but he shook his head, this black hair clinging to his face and neck. "After all you've done for us, let me do this for you."

I didn't argue after that.

Wynn stroked the loofah across my skin, cleaning the dirt and blood off my flesh, being careful of my cuts and bruises. With most of the blood gone now, it was easier to see how hurt I actually was. It wasn't pretty. I was going to have to wear a long-sleeved turtleneck if I didn't want Jack to ask questions.

"I thought you weren't that hurt?" Wynn asked, smoothing the loofah down my back and across my stomach.

I leaned back in his embrace and sighed. "When your adrenaline is pumping, I guess you don't notice it as much." I let out a shuddering breath as the loofah brushed across my nipple. It pebbled beneath the rough material, and I expected Wynn to move on. Still, he left it there, moving in circles until lower things tightened and throbbed.

"What are you doing?" I breathed, leaning my head back to see his face.

"Taking some of the pain away," Wynn murmured, pressing his lips to my forehead. "Just relax."

The loofah switched breasts, each circle of it sending jolts of pleasure through my body and settling in my core. My thighs opened on their own accord, and Wynn took advantage of it. He pressed his knees up between mine, exposing me further.

"Wynn," I gasped, the showerhead positioned in just the right place to tease at my hot and slicken folds, but not enough to give my body what it wanted. Wynn's free hand brushed along my legs, not going close to my aching center. His power swept through me, making each nerve of my body more sensitive, and the teasing of the shower felt like a hundred tiny hands stroking along my skin.

I grabbed at the vampire behind me, looking for something to hold on to, my hips bucking up in response to all the stimulation I was receiving. I gasped and cried out for more, the pain in my body a faint memory.

Wynn held me around the waist, the loofah already forgotten. He brought me screaming my orgasm with barely a touch of his powers and the shower. When his fingers slipped between my thighs and delved into my folds, I scratched at his arm, at my arms, trying to find something to help relieve the building up inside of me. Two fingers pressed into me, moving over and over that one spot until my toes curled, and all I could see were spots before me.

When I could finally breathe again, I sagged in Wynn's arms, my limbs and every inch of me feeling like it was lying on a cloud. "Wow, Doctor Wynn, I didn't know you made house calls."

Wynn chuckled, causing my body to bounce slightly against him. "No one has ever mistaken me for a doctor." There was something in his voice that made me turn in his arms, my fingers stroked along the black Latin surrounding this Durand sigil tattooed on his chest.

"You know, you never told me what you know before you became a vampire." The water was getting colder now, but I couldn't bring myself to move. I needed to know.

"I never told you? Really? I would think that after all this time, I'd have brought it up at some point." Wynn's tone was lighthearted, but there was something in it. Something aside from pain. It made me regret asking.

"You don't have to tell me." I shifted to get out of the tub. "We probably shouldn't leave the guys alone downstairs."

"I heard your boss was here." Wynn followed me out of the bathtub, turning the water off.

I dried my body and laughed halfheartedly. "Yeah, who knows what Rayne and Drake will say to him left alone."

"Of course," Wynn agreed, taking me by the arm, turning me toward him. I peered up at him, my brows drawing together. "My father was a farmer and a bastard. I was nothing and no one. I spent my days feeding the hogs and anything else my father demanded of me, including being his whipping boy for killing my mother at childbirth."

I gaped at him, my chest aching as I reached for his face. "I'm sorry."

Wynn pressed his face into my hand and closed his eyes. "It has been centuries, and yet I can still feel the sting of his belt on my back." He sucked in a breath and then sighed. "When Boris found me, I was hiding out in the stable, so my father, who had been drinking too much again, couldn't find me."

"How old were you?" My voice was quiet for some reason. Like talking too loudly would make it even more painful and real.


I flinched. I tried not to, but I couldn't control my face or my reaction.

Wynn noticed and smiled, sadness in his eyes. "Do not feel bad for me. I thought I was being saved, and at the time for a while, he did save me."

"But you were only sixteen," I gaped at him. "How is that even legal?" I shook my head and added, "Never mind, different times. What was it, like the 1700s?"

"Close. The 1600s." Wynn squeezed my hand and drew me close. "And clear those dirty thoughts from your mind. This is obviously the body of a man, not a child."

I grinned and snuggled against him. "I noticed."

"Boris may have had young tastes but he was not cruel enough to change one of us before we've grown completely."

"From what I know of him, the fact that he had even one saving quality makes me kind of feel bad about killing him." I paused for a moment and then shook my head. "Okay, I'm over it."

Rayne knocked on my open bathroom door. "If you two are done hiding out in here, Antoine is downstairs and about five seconds away from eating your lawyer friend."

I winced. "Alright. We're coming." I peered up at Wynn. "I better go save Jack from the men in my life."