
"WELL, WHAT DO WE havehere? Mr. Jack Biggs." I clucked my tongue and leaned my forearm against the door frame as I leered down at the little human. "What do we owe the pleasure of such a visit?"

The last time I'd seen the lawyer was back in Seabrick, flowers in one hand and soup in the other, coming to call on his attractive secretary while she was sick. Piper hadn't told us what really happened between the two of them, and Darren, when pressed, said it wasn't his story to tell. It pissed Rayne off of course, the hothead, but I'd let it go. After all, Piper was here with us, not him.

Now though, there was a problem.

"Mr. Biggs was just leaving." Piper turned slightly in my direction, placing a hand on my chest. I wasn't sure if it was to stop me from coming out of the house more or to shut me up. Neither was going to happen. "Why don't you get Darren for me. I'm going to need help cleaning this film make up off." She gestured at her form with a look in her eyes, saying, 'don't blow this.'

If Jack Biggs had half the nose I had, he'd know that wasn't fake blood coating Piper's skin. I'd know the coppery scent of blood anywhere, even vampire blood. She'd had a hard night. I probably should leave it alone...except I wouldn't. That's not who I am.

"Ah, Piper. The man drove for God knows how long to see you. Are you really going to turn him away at the door?" I kept my gaze on Jack, trying to keep my tone jovial, but even I couldn't keep the possessiveness out of my voice.

Piper glanced back at Jack, who had a hint of fear in him but actually swallowed it down enough when her gaze met his.

"It is getting late, and I did travel a long way." Jack took a step forward as if to appeal to her. "I didn't book a hotel. If I could just freshen up, eat, and maybe stay the night?" He angled his head, smiling in that good ol’boy way.

At first, I thought Piper was going to put him in his place. Tell him in no circumstances was he going to stay here, but then she stopped, and a broad grin spread across her face. A grin that said I was thinking wicked things, and none of them were going to happen to you. That face always ended up with one of us being kicked out of her bed, and I had a feeling it was going to be me this time.

"You're right, Jack. I'm sorry." Piper stepped closer to him and took his arm. "I apologize for my abruptness. It's been a long day. Why don't you come on in?"

Jack Biggs' smile grew until dimples appeared on either side of his face as Piper led him through the doorway, forcing me to either move or get run over. I moved, but not without giving the two of them a suspicious glare.

Behind Jack's back, Piper flipped me off.

I chuckled and shook my head, closing the door behind me. Well, this just got more interesting. I couldn't wait to see how the others reacted to Piper's guest.

Sticking my hands in the pockets of my gym shorts, I whistled a little tune, following after them. Piper led Jack through the dining room and into the kitchen, careful to avoid the basement door. Can't spook the puny lawyer, now could we?

The others were still downstairs, except for Antoine, who was up in his office as usual. I thought really hard at Rayne. Get your asses up here now. This was just too good to let it go unwitnessed.

I waited by the kitchen doorway, waiting for the others while Piper had Jack sit at the kitchen table.

"Darren, you remember my boss, Jack, right?" Piper forced a tight smile at the butler as she stepped away from him and walked over to the fridge. "Do you want anything to drink? Water? Tea?"

"Water is fine," Jack answered, his eyes staying on Darren, who stood by the stove working on dinner. Gretchen had the evening off thankfully, or she'd give me an earful about messing with Piper's friend.

I held back a snort.

If Jack was her friend, I'd eat my shorts. The man clearly wanted to fuck Piper and came all the way from Seabrick to do it. One would think after seeing Rayne, my brother, and me at Piper's house that he'd know well enough to stay away but apparently he didn’t.

"I do remember," Darren finally responded, nodding his head in Jack's direction. "Nice to see you."

Jack's smile tightened. "Yes, you as well." Piper brought the glass of water over to Jack. "Thank you."

Piper nodded and turned her back to him, hiding her wince of pain.

I gave her a concerned look, but she discreetly waved me off and slid into the chair opposite of Jack. Looking over at Darren, he simply shrugged.

From the kitchen doorway, I heard movement downstairs and then a thunder of footsteps on the stairs. Piper paused in what she was about to say, tilting her head to one side and then narrowed her eyes in my direction.

"Am I missing something here?" Jack cast a look between us. "Should I leave?"

"No," Piper said at the same time as Darren said, "Yes."

Jack frowned harder and moved to stand. "If I'm too big of an inconvenience, I can get a hotel."