"I'm sorry, I had no choice." I kept my gaze on him, showing all the determination that I had to keep my guys safe.

Frowning tightly, Tristan grabbed a nearby chair and flipped it backward before sitting down. "Okay, okay. That's good. You were enthralled, but I don't know how we'd prove it with the holy water not working." Tristan rubbed his jawline, his eyes thoughtful. "Maybe the vampires have found a way around it?"

Tristan was close enough for me to touch, so I reached a hand out, placing it on his arm. Tristan stopped talking to look over at me. "No. I wasn't enthralled. I did it. I released him of my own free will." I sighed and shook my head sadly, hating to do this to what seemed like a good guy in every other aspect but the vampire hunter part. "I'm not here for the reason I said I was."

Those friendly eyes that had looked my way when I first stepped into the base hardened. His voice sliced through me with how cold it was. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

To my relief and terror, we were interrupted by Bishop. He didn't knock but barreled into the room with a victorious expression on his otherwise ugly face. I was happy that I'd been playing dead when he'd been carrying me, or I didn't think I could handle being touched by someone with a bad guy look to him. His nose was crooked from getting broken too many times, his ears were what they called cauliflowered from one too many hits to the head, and he had a snaggle tooth. His overall appearance put him just above Quasimodo, but several steps below Tristan, who wasn't even in the realm of my guys, which probably put me in a biased position when it came to beauty.

"The president wants to see you." Bishop crossed his arms over his chest and grinned wickedly down at me. "Now."

Exchanging a worried glance with Tristan who turned away from me, I released an annoyed sound and made a show of getting up from the bed. I grabbed the daggers Tristan had sat on the bed next to me and put them back in their sheaths, wincing at every action. If I was going to play the victim, I had to take it all the way. I almost blew it with Tristan, but I had a brief reprieve—as long as the president believed my story and didn't kill me on sight.

When I got close to him, Bishop tried to grab my arm, but I jerked away from him with a glare. "Don't touch me."

Bishop sniffed, then snickered. "You won't tell the boss no. None of them do."

I pushed past him to the open door. "Well, I'm not anyone."

This only made Bishop laughed harder. "That's what they all say."

We marched out of the infirmary, me in front, Bishop behind me, and Tristan bringing up the rear. I didn't know why he was coming. Especially if he didn't trust me now. Perhaps he thought that since he’d stuck up for me, that meant he had to keep playing along to keep his own head attached. Either way, I was grateful. I didn't want to be alone with Bishop. He seemed the type to try and stick me before I could even get to the president just to spite me.

The hunters were all gathered in the common room, the scene so much like the first night I walked into the manor, except this time, where they mostly ignored me before, they all stared at me. Some were just curious looks. While others glared at me with open hostility. It seemed Bishop had been running his mouth since I'd been in the infirmary.

I felt as if I was walking down the gauntlet and I very might well be walking to my death, surrounded by enemies with none of my men in sight. A part of me wished I'd gone with Marcus while I had the chance. The other part needed to see this through. If I was meeting the president, this was my chance to plead my vampires' case. Or at least, maybe strike some kind of deal with him.

"Where are we going?" I slowed my steps to allow Bishop to take the lead as I realized I had no idea where the president was.

Bishop smirked and strode passed me. "This way, your lord and master is waiting."

I snorted, but my hands dropped to my daggers. Not grabbing them, but letting my fingers linger near them in case I needed to fight. I didn’t touch my gun. Billy always advised me never to draw it unless I planned on using it. Daggers seemed like a safer bet if I needed to be quick.

Instead of heading into a different part of the house, Bishop led me toward the auditorium.

"Doesn't the president have an office?" I queried, my fingers twitching as things started to get worrisome. Or more so than they already were.

Bishop looked over his shoulder with a sneer. "You meet where the president wants to meet. He wants to meet in the auditorium. Be glad it's not beside an open grave."

My teeth gritted, my jaw tightening almost painfully. He had a point, but it still didn't make me feel any better about it.

The walk to the auditorium was long and painful. The only silver lining on the whole damn thing was the night was pretty. The stars shone down on us, the full moon lighting the pathway to my doom. Okay, I was being a bit dramatic, but still, it wasn't that far off.

Halfway there, I felt eyes on me. Eyes I couldn't see in the dark. I felt them on me like a caress on my skin and I wondered.

"Keep moving," Bishop called behind him, and I realized I'd stopped, staring off past the gates.

There was someone out there. One of my guys? I hoped and feared it was. I didn't want them to get hurt or ruin my only chance to fix this. Or worse, pull me out before I could accomplish anything.

Rayne?I pushed my thoughts toward where I felt the eyes.If you're there, stay away. If you love me, you won't interfere.

It was a shit thing to do, using his love for me against him, but I didn't know what else to do to keep him and the others from coming for me. I could do this. I had to do this. I wouldn't live my life on the run.

Begrudgingly, I caught up to Bishop, Tristan still on my heels. My footsteps slowed when the lights of the auditorium blinded me for a nanosecond. When my eyes adjusted to the light, I noticed the place was empty. The absence of people in the auditorium made it more intimidating and creepier than earlier that day when it boomed with squealing hunters.

"Ah, there she is."

My gaze jerked from the vacant seats to the stage, where a lone figure stood. His attractiveness could rival my men’s. The dark curls on his head glistened from the product in his hair. An impish grin quirked his bow-shaped lips and a single dimple peeked out of his cheek. Shining diamond studs pierced both ears, giving him a boyish look. It was countered by the navy suit that could give Antoine's suits a run for their money. Overall, he did not look the part of what I expected for a vampire hunter leader. I'd expected something more in the leather Van Hellsing stock, not the billionaire playboy look.

Bishop stepped to the side of the stairs, moving to take a seat in the front row like he was waiting to watch a play unfold.

I stopped before the stage, unsure if I was supposed to meet him or wait here.

President Vincent stared at me, his eyes sliding up and down my form, but I couldn't tell if it was in appreciation or suspicion. The New Jersey accent that came with his words was no less shocking than the words themselves. "You must be Piper Billings. Maid and human servant of the master vampire, Antoine Durand. My name is Vincent. Please tell me why you have infiltrated our home."

Only one word formed in my mind. Fuck.