Chapter 6


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Darren inquired, as he worked on unpacking his suitcase into the hotel dresser drawer. Seriously, who even used those?

While I couldn't see his face, I could hear the apprehension in his voice. Neither of us thought this was a safe idea, but it was the only one I had.

"You know, you can back out now. We can go back to Seabrick and no one would be the wiser." He finished putting his things away and closed the drawer, turning around to face me.

I sat on the edge of the queen-sized bed in the beige hotel room. Literally, everything was beige. The carpet, the walls, even the bedspread. The only other color in the room were the dressers, and those were only a darker shade of beige. Just sitting in the room was making me feel depressed.

"I don't see what other option we have." I shifted on the mattress, not used to the outfit I wore. If I was going to play vampire hunter, I had to look the part. That included dressing in all black. Logical I guess for nighttime raids, but really, who was the person that had a color phobia? ‘Cause this outfit, while slimming, could use a dash of color. At least, some varying shades. Burgundy wouldn't be so bad. It was dark, and if you bled no one would notice. Or maybe brown. No, not brown. Too many poop jokes. Still, I could have done without the leather pants riding up my ass. I couldn't even wear underwear with these things. Alas, there weren't many options I could choose from for a vampire hunter persona. I couldn't exactly go to Hunters 'R Us for my outfit. And from what Rayne told me about the hunters in Club Dead, this was the kind of stuff they wore. Bondage with a side of badass. I guess I could live with it. At least until I got them off my guys’ tails.

I sighed. The things we did for love.

Standing, I checked the different straps I had attached to the pants for my daggers. While I had joked around with Billy about never needing to use them, I made sure I had some just in case. I didn't know exactly what kind of gear the hunters would be toting, and I wanted to be prepared. I already had a crossbow to strap to my back and a gun. Billy had given me a shoulder holster as a gift when I told him I was heading out of town.

"Not that it's my business, but better to be safe than get a hole in the foot." We'd shared a laugh over that before I hugged him tightly. He didn't ask, but hugged me back before wishing me luck. That guy might not know everything there was to know about me, but I could trust him to have my back. I was sure if I had asked him, he would have come with me, but I couldn't bring him into this. This was my fight. Mine and the Durands’.

"I'll check in every day at the drop point," I reminded Darren with a lifted brow. "Fifth and Memorial? The trashcan on the corner?"

Darren placed his hands on my shoulders and rubbed them up and down. "Yes, I'll be waiting with bated breath."

I smiled softly up at him, a small chuckle coming out before I shoved it down. If I laughed, I might cry, and I couldn't handle that right now. Not to mention it would ruin my mascara.

So, instead, I let Darren hold me for a moment before pushing away. I knew if I stayed any longer, I wouldn't be able to make myself do what needed to be done. I loved the guys, but sometimes it took a woman to get the job finished, and I was just the one to do it.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Darren offered, not for the first time. "I could pose as a hunter as well."

I shook my head, my ponytail whipping me in the neck with the movement. "No, it'll be easier to blend in with one rather than two unfamiliar hunters. Besides, they know about the two of us. It would look suspicious." I took a deep breath and let it out, my eyes staring down at nothing. "No, I have to do it alone. Besides," I gave him a salacious grin, "a pretty hunter who's lost her way is far more likely to get information than if I were attached."

Darren's brows furrowed and his lips pressed into a tight line.

I reached up and brushed my finger between his brows. "Don't give me that look. I have far more than enough dick in my life. I don't need to add any more."

"I'm not worried about that." Darren frowned harder.

"Then what is it?"

Darren let out a long breath and shook his head. "I'm afraid you'll make rash decisions in there by yourself. You don't exactly have the best track record."

I gaped at him. "I do not! I mean, ugh, I do too!" Darren quirked a brow. "Fine. Name one. No, three instances."

Lifting his hand, Darren put down one finger. "Getting employed by a house of vampires."

I scoffed, "How the hell was I supposed to know that? That's the agency's fault, not mine."

"Drawing Valentine's attention when you were clearly instructed to keep a low profile." He lowered another finger.

"He was deranged," I countered, and then added, "And if it were anyone's fault it was the others for being overprotective." I crossed my arms and nodded. "Valentine would never have had any interest in me had the others not thrown their dicks everywhere."

Darren inclined his head. "I will concede that one. However, there was the time you ran off on your own in Boris's home. Being mouthy at the introductions. Taking the payment for the information from Morpheus." I opened my mouth to argue, but Darren kept going. "Getting a job with an attractive boss." I clipped my mouth shut and glared, making Darren smirk. "As well as getting involved with any of us in the first place. Admit it. You attract trouble."

I opened and shut my mouth before placing my hands on my hips and turning my head away. "Fine. I can see your point. But still, I can handle this. I won't do anything stupid. Cross my heart." I did the gesture across my chest as well.

Darren took my hand in his, bringing it to his mouth for a kiss. "I have no doubt you will try. Good luck, Piper."

My gaze softened on Darren before he released my hand. I nodded my head once and headed for the door. It was time. I couldn't hold off any longer.