"Don't let her hear that." Rayne snorted, then shot a look to Antoine to make sure it was alright to talk again. "She'll use those newfound skills on your balls."

I snorted. "Too late, they're already in her purse."

"Look who's talking? If she's got mine, she's got all of ours." Drake socked me in the arm.

I winced and rubbed the sore spot. "Good point."

"As titillating as this conversation is," Wynn groused from the bed, "I would like to know what we're going to do to get Piper out without getting her killed."

"Get her out?" Drake gaped. "After all the trouble she went through to get in? Plus, all the preparation she did just to make herself look the part?" He gestured toward Darren. "Didn't you tell him how many hours she spent training?" Drake rubbed his nose and leaned back in his chair, balancing on the legs. "She could kick our asses easily. The hunters don't stand a chance."

I kicked the side of the leg he balanced on, knocking the chair over. Drake jumped to his feet quickly, so as not to fall on his ass. He glared at me and I flipped him off. "Regardless of if she could kick their asses or not, we have to either help her or get her out." I glanced around the room. "I don't know about you guys, but I vote for the former. If Piper thinks she can get the hunters off our tails, then I think we should let her do it."

"I concur." Marcus leaned forward, just noticing the tablet with the map of the manor in front of him. "I didn't get to see much, but I do know one thing."

"What's that?" Darren stepped away from where he stood by the wall. His expression hopeful.

"The president of the vampire hunters is there now. That's why Piper was able to get in to save me. All the hunters were distracted here." He pointed at a large open building on the map. "They had some kind of gathering there. The president was going to talk to them and interrogate me." His words slowed as he thought of something. "Perhaps Piper could get rid of him or explain about...us."

"Do you think it will help?" Antoine inquired, leaning against the dresser.

"Killing him?" Marcus hummed. "Probably not. They'd just elect someone else."

"And convincing him otherwise?" Drake prompted, with as much hope as the rest of us were probably feeling.

A huff from Wynn drew our gazes. "If anyone could persuade this president to chase a more worthy quarry, it is our Piper."