Chapter 5


Hunting the vampire hunters was not quite as exciting as it sounded. Hours of waiting around and nothing to show for it. I even left a trail of bitten humans to lead them to me, but as of yet I have not gained the attention of a single hunter.

When Antoine and I had concocted this plan, I’d been against it. I thought we should have called in the favors owed to us by the other vampire masters to find the hunters, but Antoine didn’t want to put our fates in the hands of others. Something I couldn’t disagree with. We’d already been screwed over by more than our fair share of master vampires. Luck hadn’t been on our side as of late, and I’d much rather we took things into our own hands.

Hence the plan.

The vampire hunters had to be close. We'd been in Rhode Island longer than usual, so we could execute this plan. Not that our brothers knew about it. If they did, they would have objected for sure. The hunters usually found us within a few weeks of wherever we hid out. It's been a month. They should be here by now.

A light drizzle came down around me from where I stood. The awning of a drugstore that had long since closed hung above me, shielding me from the rain. The water didn't bother me, but the rain would wash away my scent, something I didn't want to do. I needed the hunters to find me for our plan to work.

It was a foolish plan. One of desperation. My brothers and I were tired of running. Tired of always looking over our shoulders. We wanted to go home. And I knew they wanted to see Piper again.

I, too, missed the pretty human who had captured the hearts of my brothers. I'd only been to visit her twice over the last year, and both times it was as if I could finally breathe again. Not that I needed breath to live. All I knew was she made everything right. Something I hadn't felt in a long time. My mind drifted to the last time I had felt any semblance of peace. A time when everything in my life made sense and I had a purpose.

"You're a long way from home, knight," a gravelly voice announced, stepping out from the shadows of a nearby tree. "It isn't safe here for people like you."

I glared down at the man, who had yet to reveal his face beneath his hood. "People like me?"

He gestured a hand in my direction. It was spotted and wizened and long nails tipped each finger. "Knights of the Catholic Church should not venture out this far by themselves. Especially, at night." The man coughed a laugh, his hand going up to his face beneath the hood.

The sky above had turned dark over my hours of traveling across the desert on horseback. Exhaustion ate at me as well as my horse. Unfortunately, there was no place to take shelter. I supposed I would be sleeping beneath the stars tonight.

"Thank you for your concern, but I will be alright." I glanced back to the hooded figure. "The Muslim troops have gone east. I plan to be well away from here before they can find me." I paused and looked back down to the figure. "You should be on your way as well if you value your life. This is not a time to be venturing out on your own without an escort. You'll be lucky to be killed on sight and not be taken to be tortured for whichever side you sit on."

The hooded figure laughed. "Oh, I do not belong to anyone's side but my own." He stepped closer to my horse, making it neigh and shift nervously. I tried to reassure my mount, but the figure caught my wrist where my armor ended and my gloved hand began. "But if you are offering your services, I would gladly accept."

Before I knew what was happening, I was pulled from my horse and knocked to the ground. The figure, which I had thought to be an older man, was far quicker than expected. My ears rang as my helmet was ripped from my head. I reached for my sword and glared at the man.

"Unhand me, you beast, or I shall show you why we are called God's army." I grabbed at the cloak, trying to get a handhold on him. His hood fell back and I gasped, my eyes going wide with horror. "A demon. You're a demon. Begone! In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I banish you back to your hellish plane. Leave me be."

The creature threw his head back and laughed, his ears pointed and his teeth sharpened into spikes. Red eyes bore into me right before he attacked. I didn’t have a chance to swing my sword before sharp pain burrowed into my neck. Then I remembered nothing but the sounds of my screams. I screamed until my throat burned, not stopping until I could no longer keep my head up, and my eyes closed. Then there was darkness.

I shook my head of the memory. My last night as a human had been gruesome. Full of pain and blood. Boris hadn't changed me right away. He'd made me last days. Nights. It was hard to find food readily available in the desert, he'd said. He had to make me last.

Scoffing, I rubbed the back of my head and then crossed my arms. Now was not the time to be nostalgic. Boris was dead. There was nothing keeping me from moving on with my life. I could only hope that God would forgive me for the acts I'd done for an undeniable monster.

My head jerked up.

I shifted to the left, narrowly dodging an arrow aimed right for my head. Pulling my knives from their sheaths at my sides, I spun around to face my attackers. Three hunters approached me. They weren't even trying to be subtle as they walked brazenly down the middle of the street.

"There you are," I mused aloud, my lips ticking up in amusement. "I was beginning to think we'd lost you."

The middle hunter, a young woman with long, raven-colored hair and a crossbow in her hands sneered, "Were you looking for us, vampire? I'm so sorry we have kept you waiting." She cocked her crossbow and aimed it at me. "Where are the others?"

I held my daggers out at my sides and shrugged. "What others? I work alone."

The hunter to the left snickered. "As if we believe that. We scented you bloodsuckers the moment you stepped into this town. It's only a matter of time until we find you all and kill you. Give it up, and we'll make your death a quick one."

“I doubt that,” I grumbled.

“Fine then, have it your way.” The female lifted her crossbow, but before she could shoot me with it, I was moving.

I knew the plan was to have them chase me, but if I didn’t at least try to defend myself they would be suspicious. With my daggers drawn, I ducked one way and then the other, avoiding the bolts coming my way. The woman cursed as she fumbled with the next bolt. I came up underneath her crossbow and slashed at her side. She dropped the crossbow and jumped back, but not fast enough. The tip of my dagger sliced into the side of her clothes and blood tinged the air.

“You bastard,” the hunter on the left snarled, coming at me at full force. “How dare you draw blood from our dear, Mizuki. Die, bloodsucker!”