I rolled my eyes. "Let me change and then we can go find something for dinner." Wynn opened his mouth, and I cut him off. "Something that's not me."

Briefly, I thought about messaging Darren then thought better of it. I had just complained about not getting romanced, if I bring along someone else that would dismiss the whole point I was making.

"Very well, I will wait outside for you." Wynn inclined his head and headed for the door once more.

I went through the closet as the door closed behind me. We hadn't brought much with us to Seabrick. We couldn't go back to the house to get things when we left Bulgaria, running from the vampire hunters. What we had, Darren and I bought when we got here. Most of it from online retailers. I hadn't thought of buying many going out clothes. The only item I had splurged on was a short dark blue dress and I hadn't even taken the tags off of it yet.

Pulling it off the hanger, I disrobed and shimmied into the cool cloth, delighted at the feel of the material smooth against my skin. I grabbed one of the pairs of shoes I just bought for my new job. I couldn't very well wear flip flops to a law office. Thankfully, that meant I had something to wear for tonight.

My makeup was still done from work, but my hair needed a proper brushing through—damn vampire. I pursed my lips and dragged a brush through it.

When I was happy with my appearance, I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.

Wynn stood on the other side, sucking down on the bud of a cigarette.

I arched a brow. "When did you start smoking?"

Flicking the cigarette away, Wynn blew the smoke off to the side. "When you've lived as long as I have vices come and go." His gaze dipped to take in my dress. "Why, Piper, you look absolutely bitable."

I giggled. "I'm sure."

"Shall we," he offered me his arm.

Slipping my arm through his, I snuggled up to Wynn's side.

"What's good to eat in this town?"