Chapter 2


"Of course, Master," I answered into my cell phone. "I will be sure Mr. Chang is aware of the slight delay." I scribbled myself a note at the desk of the hotel room Piper and I shared. "Is there anything else, Master?"

There was a long pause on the other end of the phone before a puff of air. "How is she? Really?"

I glanced away from the paperwork before me and to the sleeping woman, not six feet away from me. Piper slept like a rag doll. Her arms thrown about the bed at all angles, her legs tangled up in the sheets. Small snores came from her mouth, which sat wide open, and a tiny bit of drool dripped from the edges of her lips.

My time here with Piper had been stressful and anxiety building. In all my time working for the Durands, I had never been put to the test in such a capacity. Before, I had only myself to worry about, and it is easy to hide one’s self when they know the world they lived in.

Unfortunately, the world had become a larger place than the last time we had to evade the hunters. It wasn't so easy to duck into a barn and wait it out. Our every movement, every transaction, every telephone call was being tracked by someone, and it was just that easy for the hunters to tap into those as well.

"Darren?" Antoine's voice held a worry in it I hadn't heard in a while.

I remembered I didn't have long to speak to him before our call could be traced. Clearing my throat, I turned back to my desk. "Fine." I huffed a laugh and dragged my hand over my face. "Angry. Impatient. Needy."

Antoine chuckled a sound that sent a thrill through my body and hardened my cock beneath my slacks. "So, normal."

I nodded then remembered he couldn't see it. "Yes. Except Piper doesn't have an outlet to release her frustrations." And neither did I. I didn't add the last part, but our bound made sure that Antoine felt it.

"I cannot come just yet. They will be looking for me most of all." Antoine answered my unasked question. "Someone will come to help this week."

"She will be pleased." I placed my hand on top of my length, and pulled at it, willing it to behave.

We were silent for a breath before Antoine said, "I have to go."

"Of course."

"Go to the bathroom," his voice full of his commanding power I had no choice but to obey.

I stood from my chair ever so quietly and walked across the room to the minuscule but clean bathroom.

"Close the door."

My body quaked with the need to obey, and my cock hardened even more with each word. I waited for his next command, knowing I was not to do anything before he commanded it.

"Unzip your pants and touch yourself." Antoine's smooth dominating voice almost had me exploding right there. Except it wouldn't be half as delicious as what would happen next.

My fingers wrapped around the sensitive flesh and a hiss released from me.

"That's it." Antoine cooed, pleased with my actions. "Stroke yourself for me. We may be apart, but there's no reason you should go without."

Moving my hand up and down my shaft as he commanded, I gasped and leaned against the sink, trying to keep quiet. Piper had as good of hearing as I did, and if I could hear her touching herself in her bedroom across the hall, then she for sure would be able to hear me in the bathroom.

"Cup yourself," Antoine commanded, and I did as he asked with my other hand, tugging on my aching cock. "Now," he pushed even more power into his voice this time, and I almost collapsed to my knees at the effort. "Remember what it was like to be deep inside of our little maid's pussy."

I gasped at his words, surprised and even more turned on.

"So warm," he purred into the phone, and my mind filled with the image of Piper sitting on the edge of Antoine's desk. Her legs spread wide for me. "She felt good, didn't she? Wrapped tightly around your cock. So wet."

I grunted.

"What was that?" Antoine growled.

"Yes," I gurgled, my thumb flicking over the head of my cock as I tried to hold back my release until commanded.

"Now isn't that nice? If I hadn't stopped you that night but joined you? I could have fucked your perfect ass while you fucked our mouthy little maid." Antoine seemed almost angry as he said it, but I didn't release myself to placate him. I was his to command, and if this was what he wanted, then I would be more than happy to oblige.