Chapter 12


Private time was nonexistentin the hotel room. There was no way for either Piper or me to be alone with Antoine without asking the other to leave. They had not asked me to leave.

As amusing as it was to watch Piper bully Antoine into eating a corn dog, I hadn't been able to eat a bite. My body ached. It ached in a way that could only come from going too long without being touched by another human being.

The bartender, Trixie's number was still on my desk, but I'd never use it. It wasn't just loyalty to Antoine that kept me from using her body to quell my loneliness. I had my lovers over the years. None of them compared to Antoine.

Except it wasn't just Antoine, I wanted.

Antoine was safety, comfort. Like coming home after a long trip away. Just having him here with us made it easier to breathe.

But Piper. Piper was something else altogether.

If Antoine was like coming home, then Piper was a tornado ripping through my home causing chaos and maybe a bit of strife. Some might say I resented her ability to disrupt everything she touched. Still, with so much order in my life, the same monotonous day to day, I wanted the chaos. I wanted to touch it. To be a part of it.

The question though was, did Piper want me too?

The way she had looked at me while kissing Antoine made me hope. And hope was a dangerous thing.

"Want a drink?" Piper asked Antione, kneeling by the mini-fridge. She grabbed a tiny bottle of scotch and tossed it at me without asking if I wanted it. She removed a small bottle of white wine for herself.

Antoine's eyes darkened with hunger, his gaze sweeping over her crouched form. "Yes, I would."

Piper swallowed audibly and then let out a nervous giggle. "This hotel might be good, but I don't think they have what you're wanting." She stood, and her gaze flickered to me once before she swayed her way over to the chair Antoine sat on by the door.

Giving me her back, Piper slid one leg on either side of Antoine, her short shorts stretching tightly across her backside. I didn't know if the view was on purpose or not. Then Piper tossed her blonde hair over her shoulder and smirked my way.

I twisted the top off the scotch and downed the whole thing in one go.

Piper's words were low as a whisper as if she were nervous to say it, "I have an idea."

Antoine placed his hands on her hips, allowing her to settle onto his lap. "Oh? And what pray tell does the great Piper demand of her master today?"

A snort escaped before I could stop it. The thought of anyone being the master of the woman who had disrupted our lives so much was laughable. Not even Antione could claim to be such and pretending to be so would only needle her into a frenzy.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that." Piper's volume lifted slightly.

"You may pretend whatever you like, but it does not stop it from being true." Antoine stroked his fingers under the line of her shirt, and her body rippled against his touch.

"Do you want to hear my idea or not?" Piper huffed, placing her hands over Antoine's, stopping their trek up her back.

Antoine laughed. A full-throated one that made my cock stiffen against my trousers. Even with the distance between us, Antoine was still able to affect me so. I wondered if Piper felt the same way.

"Antoine," Piper warned, but her words came out breathy. It seemed our master did affect her as well.

"By all means Piper, tell us your idea." The humor was still there in his voice, but so was something else. Promises of things in the dark. Things I was well acquainted with.

"You want time with both of us...right?" Piper began, shifting herself so she could see me as well. "Instead of making one of us leave so the other can have their time..." she trailed off, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

My eyes widened.

Was Piper suggesting what I thought she was? No, certainly not. Trying to carefully control my face, I locked eyes with Antoine. How did he feel about this? The last time we three had been in one room together, I had ended up on the wrong side of a riding crop, not that I didn't enjoy it, but still. I did not want to do anything that would upset Antoine. He was possessive and jealous of anyone outside of his brothers. He'd proved that the last time he had tested Piper with me.

Except now...had that changed? The phone call a few weeks ago made me think he was still uncertain about letting me in with both of them or even Piper alone.

"Antoine?" Piper touched his cheek, drawing his attention back to her. "Since we are pressed for time..." she trailed her hand down his face and into the collar of his shirt, playing with his exposed skin before pausing, "what do you think?"