I grunted, but didn't answer.

"How'd you get away from Theresa?" Drake turned from torturing me to Wynn. I was thankful for the reprieve. "I would think you'd be cock deep in her ass by now."

I didn't need to look up to see the pained expression on Wynn's face, since it was all in his head. The moment our master was out of sight, Theresa had plastered herself against Wynn, and tried all but stripping right there in the foyer to get him to come play with her. The woman had no tact or self-respect. Not like Piper. No, she was kind and well, I’d admit, a bit of a klutz, but she also had a fire in her that drew me like a moth to her flame and I didn't give a shit if she burned me to ash. I'd die with a smile on my face.

"You're thinking nauseatingly romantic things again, aren't you?" Drake grimaced, interrupting Wynn from his rehashing of his great escape. The other two looked to me as well.

I shifted in place, scowling. "No."

Allister laughed. "Yes you are. Don't deny it. I can see it plain as the nose on your face."

"Stop it," I growled and gestured to the door. "Don't you have your own room to hang out in? Why must you be in mine?"

To my surprise, Drake stood. "You're right. I do." He moved toward the door and bumped Wynn on his way. "I'm going to go rub one out. Who knew making Piper a servant would make her even more tantalizing?" He licked his lips lasciviously and winked. "Maybe I'll get a chance to taste her next?"

I jumped to my feet, intent on beating his face in, but he was gone, laughing down the hallway before I got the chance. Allister moved around me toward the door. "You leaving too?"

Allister sighed and shook his head. "I better go make sure he actually goes to his room. We don't need any hiccups on this trip. We'll be lucky if we all get out a live at this rate."

"Too true." Wynn inclined his head, moving from his place by the door and folding into the spot Drake had left. "You don't mind if I hide out here for a while, do you?" He didn't really seem to be asking, since he had already stretched out on my couch, his arm tossed over his eyes.

I shut the door behind Allister and went to get my discarded luggage. "You don't think being in my room will keep Theresa away, do you?"

Without moving his arm away from his face, Wynn sighed and answered, "No, but it will take her longer to find me. Plus, she's never had any love for you."

I shook my head and scoffed, "You mean, she doesn't like me picking through her demented head. I know what goes on in that thing and it's enough to give me nightmares." I shuddered, propping my suitcase on my bed. I unzipped it and began the tedious process of removing my clothing from the bag and placing them in the dresser. Usually, Piper or Darren would do this job, but seeing as Piper was otherwise detained—regrettably—and Darren...well, he had disappeared into Antoine's room and I hadn't seen him since.

Wynn hummed and lifted his arm briefly. "What are we going to do about Piper?"

I turned to him sharply. "What do you mean?"

Sitting up from the couch, Wynn's blue eyes locked on to me with more than a curious expression. "Well, you love her..."

Brows furrowed, I cocked my head to the side. "Yes?"

"Is that a question? Don't you know?"Perhaps we were wrong. Maybe he only wants a place to wet his—

"Fuck you." I stomped across the room and shoved a finger at him. "You don't get to judge me. You, the one who is basically more incubus than vampire. And for your information, yes, I do love Piper. Not that I've told her as much yet but there, does that satisfy your inquisition?"

Wynn arched a brow but didn't get angry, he rarely did. "I was simply curious to know how far you would go for her. Would you go against Antoine for her?"

"Yes," I snapped without hesitation.

Amusement twinkled in Wynn's eyes. "Would you defy our master for her?"

"In a heartbeat."

Leaning forward so his face was close to mine, Wynn's voice lowered. "Would you die for her?"

With my jaw set, I made sure my voice carried the weight of my words. "A thousand times over."

Wynn stared at me for a long time and I tried to read his mind, but it was either blank or he was putting up a wall. After what felt like forever, Wynn smiled that infuriatingly smug grin of his and leaned back. "Good, because you might actually have to."