Chapter 3


"This is bullshit," I growled, throwing my bag across my bedroom. It smacked the wall with a satisfying thud, crumbling the stone slightly under the impact. I would have been afraid of reprimand from our master, but I was too upset to think about any of that.

"Dude, take a chill pill." Drake collapsed on the dark brown suede couch sitting on one side of my room.

I say my room, but it wasn't really. It was the room I lived in for several decades before we moved to our own house hundreds of miles away from here. I wanted nothing more than to be back there now. To have my familiar things surrounding me, our basement getaway, and Piper's scent everywhere. But no, I was stuck in this cold stone tomb our master insisted on surrounding himself with.

Our rooms weren't even our own. We couldn't have things out that we liked, and we always had to be ready to play the host to him and his many warped friends. Which was often.

I pushed those dark thoughts away. Never again.

My hands gripped the posts of the ancient bed frame, my fingers biting into the wood with a crack. "First, Antoine, and now that asshole. He can't have her! He can't. Piper ismine," I snarled, and prepared to rip the posts from the bed, but Allister's hand came down on my arm, stopping me.

"Calm down. Do you want him to hear you? The walls have ears." Allister tapped his ear and circled his finger around the room. "We are all upset, but there's no need to get yourself killed over it."

"Yes, there is," I snapped back, jerking my arm from his grip and shoving him away. Or as far back as I could get him. The guy was built like a brick building.

Aw, our little brother's in love.

"Shut up," I barked at Drake, my head whipping in his direction. "Don't act like you don't care about her too."

Drake lifted a shoulder and dropped it. "I didn't say that, but then again you're the one poking around in my head." He tapped the side of his forehead with a grin.

I frowned. Some days, I hated that I could hear others' thoughts, everyone from the mailman to the people who were most important in my life. I could hear every single thought or inkling they had, whether I liked it or not. It did come in handy sometimes, but other times it made it hard to know if what was in my head was my thoughts or someone else's.

Look at that ass. That perky fine ass…ripe for the plucking. Oh, what I would do to shove my thick cock—

I grabbed my head with my hands and shoved the thoughts away. He's not here anymore. I don't have to do that anymore. I'm safe. I'm fine. He's gone now. Antoine saw to that.


My eyes moved away from the place on the floor I'd been glaring a hole into and over to Wynn, who stepped into my room from the now open bedroom door. That lazy smirk was nowhere to be found on his too pretty face as he watched me. "Are you alright?"

I nodded but didn't answer.

Instead of asking out loud, Wynn pushed his thoughts at me.He's gone, Rayne. He can't hurt you anymore.

"I know," I snapped, jerking my eyes away from him, earning me a curious look from the twins.

"What's up?" Drake asked, leaning forward onto his knees. His eyes searched between Wynn and me.

"Nothing," I answered, before Wynn could out me. "He's just being an ass as usual."

Drake snorted. "Well, maybe you should stay out of our heads? There's a reason thoughts are supposed to be private."

I blew out a hard breath and rubbed a hand over my face with a dark laugh. "Fuck that. You think things to rile me up on purpose."

Drake chuckled. "You do have a point about that. However, you must admit, you've never been this worked up over a human before. And you haven't even banged her yet."

I grabbed the pillow off my bed and chucked it at him. "That's none of your business."

"Oh, ho, ho," Drake laughed, catching the pillow and throwing it back. I dodged it just in time. "It is very much my business, because I want her too."

A possessive part of me flared up, but I held back the urge to bare my fangs at him. I knew my brothers wanted Piper and that she felt things for them as well. It didn't mean I had to like it though. I was the one she doted on. I was the one she had almost...I groaned in frustration and collapsed on the edge of my bed, my head hanging between my arms and legs. "This sucks."

Allister snorted and clapped me on the back. "Welcome to love, little brother. It only gets worse from here."