Nobody said anything. The room was silent except for the sound of Piper's heartbeat. When it was clear nobody was going to say anything, Boris sighed and lifted his arms up at his sides.

"Very well, if no one wants to confess, then I guess I'll just have to take something from you." Quick as lightning, he had Piper suspended by her throat. We all took a step toward her, but Boris warned us off. "Now, now, we don't want to go breaking something else. Breaking an arm is one thing, but a broken neck isn't something she can come back from, even with your little blood bond."

I held my hand up, making the others back down. "I did it. I killed Valentine."

Boris sighed and lowered Piper to the ground. "There we go. That wasn't so hard, now was it?" None of us relaxed, even though Piper was out of his grasp. He could easily take her and break her neck before any of us could stop him. He might not have extra powers like the rest of us, but he was faster and stronger.

"Now, what to do. What to do. How should I punish you?" Boris paced back and forth before us, drawing it out as much as he could. "Perhaps I'll have you offer up one of your brothers as my plaything." His eyes locked on to Rayne, who flinched back from him, making Boris smile. "That's always a good time."

"No," I snapped. "You will not get Rayne. You will never touch Rayne again. If you want someone to play with, take me. It was me who broke code, it should be me who should be punished."

Pouting, Boris let out a bored sigh. "Now where's the fun in that? A punishment isn't really a punishment unless you can make it hurt and you, Antoine...well, we learned a long time ago that you have nothing to break. No soul. No heart. Except now..." His eyes trailed back to Piper. "It's such a pity too. She's such a pretty thing."

Drake let out a low growl but didn't move.

"No, I think I know what I want." Boris grinned, his gaze moving over to Theresa. "I need a reward for my lovely girl here and she is so partial to Wynn. I think I'll make him my gift to her."

Theresa smiled broadly, clapping her hands together. "Oh, yes please. We used to have so much fun together. Didn't we, Wynn?"

I opened my mouth to deny him once more, but Wynn cut me off. "Done."

"What?" Drake barked. "No. You can't seriously be thinking of giving into this hag."


"Enough, Drake." Wynn walked over to the desk where Boris and Theresa stood. "It's done. Just get Piper out of here."

"This is stupid. Antoine." Drake grabbed my arm and shook it. "We made a promise, Antoine. Remember." He ripped open his shirt to show me his tattoo. "Blood of my brother, now and forever. Are you breaking that promise now? For her?"

I glanced down at Piper and then up at Wynn, who nodded his head. To Drake, I said, "It's Wynn's choice. Marcus, get Piper. Rayne, tell Darren to gather our things. We are cutting our visit short. We're going home."

While the others did as I asked, Allister tried to calm Drake down. I watched Wynn as he let Theresa paw all over him. Though we couldn't read each other's minds, I knew he understood the message I was trying to pass on to him. This wasn't the end. I would come back for him, and even if I had to bring the whole house down on top of us, I would bring him home.