Chapter 21


My eyes stayed locked on our master where he was chitchatting with one of the particularly annoying guests. He didn't seem to know anything, but that didn't mean someone hadn't told him. Our master liked to bide his time and wait for the most opportune moment to strike. Usually, when you had your pants around your ankles and your cock out.

I grimaced and took a drink of my blood. I moved it around in mouth, not liking the taste of it. There's no way this was fresh. It had to be from blood bags. Old blood bags, for that matter. I guess I wasn't the favorite anymore if I didn't even deserve the good stuff.

Sighing, I placed my glass on a passing tray. Rayne and the twins came back into the ballroom without Piper. This couldn't be good.

"Where is she?" I arched a brow, searching for an explanation.

Drake scratched the back of his ear. "Well, we thought it was a good idea to let her cool off."

I laced my fingers in front of me, glancing between the three of them. "And why, pray tell, did she need to cool off?"

Allister and Rayne stared pointedly at Drake before Allister crossed his arms and scoffed, "Why don't you ask this jerkwad? It's his fault."

"What?" Drake held his hands out in front of him. "It was true. What was I supposed to say?"

"You were supposed to say, ‘no, of course not, we trust you completely,’ you dumbass," Rayne growled and swiped at Drake, but he ducked just in time.

I shook my head in disappointment. "This is not the time or place to be squabbling. I don't care what you said to piss her off, go find her. Just because the problem has been taken care of doesn't mean it's any safer for her. Especially right now."

Drake groaned and threw his hands up in the air. "Fine. I'll go hunt her down." He started to walk around, but then grabbed his brother by the arm. "Come on."

"Why do I have to go?" Allister complained, but followed his brother anyway. "You're the one who let her leave."

"I didn't hear you stopping her," Drake argued.

I massaged the bridge of my nose. I was immortal, impervious to sickness, and still, my brothers gave me raging migraines on a regular basis. How was that even possible?

"Where are they going?" Wynn stopped next to me, holding his own glass of blood. He'd been off making sure everyone saw him here, so we had an alibi if it came down to it.

"The dumbasses let Piper go off on her own." Rayne made a rude sound in his throat and shook his head. "They better find her before something happens to her. I'm going to be pissed if I don't get to see that sexy lingerie you fucked her in."

I arched my brow, turning to Wynn. "You had sex with Piper?"

Instead of grinning like a satisfied man, Wynn glared at Rayne. "Yes, and it was lovely."

Rayne smiled even wider, reaching out and bumping Wynn's shoulder. "Don't be coy, Wynn. Tell him how it happened. I'm sure Antoine would be thrilled to hear it."

"No," Wynn countered, pushing Rayne's hand away. "He would not. Now drop it. Before I make you."

Frowning, Rayne shrugged. "Fine. I just thought that Antoine should know who has been defiling our girl in his bed."

"You fucking cad," Wynn snarled, stepping so close to him their noses brushed. "I will end you."

I should have been surprised, but I just wasn't. It wasn't even the first time Wynn had done it. The fact that he did it with Piper, though, did make me mad. Not because they had sex, but because he used her to rub it in my face the way he did all the past lovers we'd shared.

"When Piper comes back, you need to apologize," I told Wynn, stopping his stare down with Rayne. "Disrespecting me is one thing, but you disrespected her by making your first time a pissing contest."

Rayne adjusted his suit jacket and jeered, "Yeah, what he said."

"Rayne." I warned with a sigh. "Not the time."

Wynn jerked his gaze away from Rayne and then locked it onto me. As he stared at me, his facial expression changed, and for once in his goddamned life, Wynn looked regretful. "You're right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that, but in my defense..." He smirked as he stared off into the distance. "She looked so fuckable then. You're going to love it. She's wearing these thigh highs that attach to garters and her panties were—"

"Piper's gone." Drake suddenly appeared next to me with Allister. "We followed her scent until it disappeared somewhere down the hallway and couldn't find her anywhere."